The Concept of Engage and Withdraw

I have been struggling with the state of this world and finding a need to withdraw.  In fact I have been doing just that.  This morning my mentor shared this story on Facebook by John Pavlovitz which made me go to Google and search him out.    His letter to White Evangelicals is so true.  […]

3 mins read

Embracing differences in a divided world

Originally written July 18, 2018, but very important to share now. Embracing Differences between people is next to impossible at this time in history.  Democrats vs Republicans.  Americans vs Immigrants.  Religious vs Atheists.  The list of descriptives that separate us far outweigh those that unite us. We all are Spiritual Beings living a human experience. […]

2 mins read

How existing fortune-telling laws may affect you…

  Why are there fortune-telling laws?  To all of those Metaphysical Professionals out there that are charging to remove negative entities from a home you may want to rethink your business.    At least in New York state.  I see and hear many things at psychic fairs and at various gatherings of Metaphysical people and I […]

4 mins read

Story – The Snake & The Holy Man

This story is adapted from Andre Heuer. Story – Snake and the Holy Man Once there was a snake with a rather bad attitude. The small village near where the snake lived was very fearful of this snake. You see, this snake slithered through the grass, silently, seeking its victims, and without warning would strike and […]

4 mins read