Tag: Tough Topics We Should Discuss
Friendship and Theatre
Theatre and Friendship My friend Jennifer and I got to have a rare night out together on Friday. We were so excited to go the theatre together. We both LOVE theatre and entertainment. Our friends couldn’t use their tickets so it was a nice little bonus. Both of us are avid theatre goers, we didn’t […]
The Full Moon tonight…
Tonight’s full moon is significant because it also happens on Summer Solstice. The last strawberry moon occurring on the solstice occurred on June 22 1967. The next one will be in 46 years — June 21, 2062. For me, that means this is the second one in my lifetime and living another 46 years I will […]
Are you going to sink or swim?
Sink or Swim, we all have free will to do one or the other. How many of us have heard the are you going to sink or swim in the face of difficulty? It starts with swimming lessons and our ability to learn to swim in water. There is a quote by Tom Cruise […]
Happiness never decreases by being shared…
I think of this a lot lately. When I share joy it is seems to expand. It is also wonderful to share when others achieve. It doesn’t take away from my achievements by celebrating others. We are all connected and when we accept this, life gets easier. So why do others have such difficulty in […]
What would happen if we focused on people’s strengths?
Spend more time in your strengths to become happier…. What would happen if we focused on the strengths people have instead of the focus of what we cannot do. There is power is connecting with your strengths. So take some time and live in curiosity. Tap into your strengths. Think about it. Don’t think about […]
Life Partner – How to create a desire statement
Author’s note: June 16, 2018 – I married my Life Partner – this really does work A good friend once said unless you define it the Universe cannot give it to you. I am moving this from my private blog to the public one because it belongs out here for someone to find and give […]