The dynamics of depression and its affect on relationships…

I run the danger of criticism for writing my thoughts down and then publishing them here on my blog.   today I want to discuss the dynamics of depression.  So many mistakes have been made in the course of who I have become.   There is a real struggle with some of the relationships I […]

2 mins read

Creative Juices Are Meant to Flow

Sometimes the creative juices just don’t flow.   The more you want to be creative, the harder it becomes.   It eludes your every try.   Deadlines go by and you become stressed.   Does it sound familiar?  Many people experience this and it is when they let go they find it again. Creative Juices Flow That has been […]

1 min read

There is a storm coming…

I wrote this originally on May 19, 2017 about a storm coming.    I am bringing it forward because I think it is important to speak out about the storm that is coming and it has the potential of being bad if we give into negativity and sit paralyzed. Can you feel it?  I can’t […]

5 mins read

Just Be Who You Want To Be

Life is difficult at times.   Sometimes we cannot just be.  We forget that we are here for the human experience.  The messy complicated interconnection with others.   We first want to please our parents and family.   Then we go to school and  try and fit in with our classmates.   Often in direct conflict of the first. […]

1 min read

2018 Year of Connection – Happy New Year!

I have been on a wave of happiness for awhile now.   It started by changing my focus on being present in the moment.   It resulted in my not writing as much as I have wanted to here.   In my personal journals and correspondence with someone I love, I have been writing more than ever.   I […]

6 mins read

“Discovering Your Stream” is now available!

It is exciting time with the release of Discovering Your Stream! Do you want your own copy?   I have books in a few local stores and I have several available on hand.   Order from me I will even sign and ship it to you…   Click this link to obtain your copy today! You can find […]

2 mins read