Tag: Paying Attention
Be Excellent by Taking Ownership
Be Excellent by Taking Ownership Are you trying to lead a life where you are committed to displaying excellence in everything that you do? This is a wonderful way to lead your life. One way to reach this point is by taking ownership and responsibility for all of your actions. Once you ‘own’ your choices […]
Building Your Confidence
A Foolproof Formula for Doubling Your Confidence Confidence is a state of mind, and it’s something that you can build up if you feel like your supply is running low. When you believe in yourself, you feel more secure, and you enjoy greater success. Most of us have times in our life when fears and […]
Deal With Rejection
How to Deal With Rejection and Bounce Back Stronger Than Ever How does one deal with rejection? Rejection is hard to swallow, but it doesn’t have to be. There are all types of rejection. Your idea might be rejected from work. You might be rejected for a date. Maybe your latest novel was rejected by […]
Are You Committed to Excellence?
Are You Committed to Excellence? Even if you have heard of the term ‘committed to excellence’, do you fully understand what it means? The following quote is from Aristotle and defines what excellence is. “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but […]
How soon can a loved one reach out to you?
How soon may I hear from my (insert Mother, Father, Friend, etc…) after they pass? This question came up yesterday. An acquaintance of mine just lost someone very near to them. It is a loss that just breaks your heart when you hear about it. Every loss including those you are prepared for will break […]
Count Your Blessings
Count Your Blessings was originally written on November 15, 2017. It is important to note that I have never officially been notified as to what happened. I have had several people off the record say they were sorry. One of the first songs I heard in a Spiritualist Church was Count Your Blessings and it […]
The Human Experience – Dealing with Conflict
I have been fearless in my willingness to admit my failings and have found compassion in several instances in my life. I must be steadfast in my trust that the Universe has this and that by being loving and compassionate all will be as it needs to be.
Tips for a Great Reading with a Medium
How to get a Great Reading Often I am asked how you can get a great reading from Medium. It is easier for the medium if you are showing up prepared. So here is some advice to help make it easier when we meet or if you meet with another Medium. Come relaxed and not […]
Free Will – Ethics and Mediumship
What is free will? Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. Nobody should try and manipulate how someone should or should not interpret a message given to them from Spirit. A person’s free will should never be messed with. Recently […]
Children and Spirituality
Children and Spirituality is a topic of interest to me. I am constantly thinking about it and the ways as adults can assist children grow spiritually. Often it is children that help adults connect to their own Spirituality. It is something that I find beautiful when I come across young children and they are […]