The Social Giving Miracle

The Social Giving Miracle for Those Who Want More Happiness Do you want to take advantage of the social giving miracle?  Being generous makes us happier when it includes a social dimension. Our best experiences come from giving to people we know and having the opportunity to enjoy doing things together. That’s the conclusion from […]

3 mins read

Your Brain and Mediumship

Using your brain and mediumship is a challenge for those learning to work with Spirit.  The left and right sides of the brain fight each other.   But let’s talk about how you can make these two sides work together and make it easier for you!  We are all different and how it works in each […]

3 mins read

Affirmation – Living in the Present

Letting go of the past and living in the present can be scary for some.   I know for a long time I struggled with this.   Then I discovered affirmations.   My world changed.   This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: The past no longer matters. It has no control […]

1 min read

Time Management Struggles Are Real

How to Be Ruthless with Time Time management struggles are real.  If you’ve created a time management plan and still failed to reach your goals, it’s likely because you’re too flexible and easy on yourself and others when it comes to the schedule. The sorry fact is that time is not limitless. You can’t get […]

5 mins read

How to Develop Lifelong Excellence

Lifelong Excellence just doesn’t happen over night.   It is a commitment that you find deep within yourself.   There are habits you need to create and although some would like it to happen automatically.   Most humans struggle with it.  

3 mins read

What is a Natural Born Medium

I originally posted this post about Natural Born Medium on April 17, 2016. Today I think it matters to many. My experience with the Spiritualist Community has taught me much. Many make money on the Training of Mediums.  Why when I am around many of them all I hear is cash registers ringing?  This constant barrage […]

7 mins read

The Problem With Emotional Vampires

Are Emotional Vampires Draining You Dry? Is your energy constantly being drained by emotional vampires? The people around us affect how we feel and view the world. There are plenty of reasons why some people may drain your energy more than others. You could be dealing with a narcissist, or someone who complains most of […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Best Life

Are you living your best life?   If not, why?   I am going to challenge your thinking about this.   Are you dreading experiences and full of anger?   If so, you may just need to flip the scrip in your head.   That negative experiences are a learning experience and not all bad.   Sure some are unpleasant, but […]

1 min read

Are You Struggling Working From Home?

3 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health When Working From Home If you’re stuck working from home, unable to see your work colleagues from day to day, you may find yourself struggling with your mental health.  There are many advantages that we have discovered during the Covid-19 crisis.   With that there are some negatives […]

4 mins read

Is Criticism Always Bad?

Criticism Is Not Always Meant to Be Negative Do you struggle to handle criticism? Because you are not alone.   My mother was so critical of all that I did, that I lost any confidence I had.  Later in life my I surrounded myself with those that were highly critical of me.   I thought that was […]

3 mins read