Tag: Free Will
Weekly Affirmation – Letting Go for Higher Good
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I let go of relationships that are no longer for my higher good.
For your entertainment….
For your entertainment – a way to think about positivity. Being positive helps you cope with the negativity that is thrown your way. Too often there are people around you that want to see you fail and be miserable. They find joy in the misery of others. If you are going through a rough time, […]
What it means to have the BRCA2 Gene Mutation
Well, actually I have have the gene mutation all my life, it has been a week since I got the results. I now have a bunch of Dr. appointments to start making decisions. I go between relief and anger. Angry that I have waited so long to test knowing my family history. Relief that I […]
Technology and Technical Support
It is amazing how technology has taken over our lives. With the upcoming Christmas holiday and the increased number of electronic devices we all have; this is going to be a public service post. I am writing this because I have run into a situation that I have needed technical support on an electronic device […]
Changes in My World
The other day, I was a mess. The changes in my world are a little overwhelming right now. George just looked at me and said it is going to be okay which resulted in my uncontrollably crying. We had just closed on our first home together, I accepted a position as the President of the […]
Weekly Affirmation – Mistakes are part of the process
We all make mistakes in our lives. Some are small, others larger. Too often we focus on the negative aspect of that mistake instead of the lesson that will help you do better next time. This weeks affirmation is as follows: Every Mistake I make brings me closer to my goals! About Weekly Affirmations Each […]
Just Be Who You Want To Be
Life is difficult at times. Sometimes we cannot just be. We forget that we are here for the human experience. The messy complicated interconnection with others. We first want to please our parents and family. Then we go to school and try and fit in with our classmates. Often in direct conflict of the first. […]
Broken Dreams
Broken dreams devestate people. It can crush people to the very core. Remants of those broken dreams can be found years after they are shattered. In my travels around Western New York, I see abandoned homes. Homes that at one point were built with a bunch of dreams associated with them. The families had great […]
Focus – Are you struggling with it?
I have had great difficulty in focus lately. I am trying to juggle way too many things all at one time. Between working Real Estate, Psychic events, private readings, teaching and my upcoming book I am becoming overwhelmed. There is so much I want to do, so many places I want to go. This has […]
Inner Peace
Inner peace is something that has eluded me for years. I have always struggled and fought my way through life. Now I step back and choose to be peaceful. It sounds easy, but trust me it was a huge struggle for me. It is for most people. There are so many people around us who […]