Tag: Control
Overthinking Mental Health Symptoms
5 Symptoms of Poor Mental Health from Overthinking Overthinking things can be very hard on a person, keeping you from taking action. This can lead to poor work performance. You probably already know how much overthinking can stall you out and keep you from a happier and more productive life. What you might not realize […]
Power of Teamwork
The Power of Teamwork If you want to run a sustainable and successful business or build strong and life-long relationships, learn how to value teamwork more. While there are things you can and should do alone, that doesn’t mean you should avoid teamwork altogether. On the contrary, working with a group of people provides you […]
Affirmation – Practicing Stillness
Practicing stillness is something that we are not taught. Many come to it later in life. That means we have to unlearn some things. This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am practicing stillness in my meditation and holding the intention to let go About Weekly Affirmations […]
Independence is Happiness
“Independence is happiness” is a quote from Susan B. Anthony. It is a quote that is often referenced as to what people feel would be her stance on abortion. The truth is we will never really know. Another quote that seems appropriate for this moment in time is “No man is good enough to govern […]
Address Your Inner Conflict
5 Ways to Address Inner Conflict Is inner conflict holding you back? When we struggle with inner conflict, it is basically a battle between our emotions and thoughts. If a situation doesn’t turn out how we expected, it can release feelings of anger, stress, fear, and frustration. There are many different types of inner conflict. […]
Power of Visualization
The Benefits and Power of Visualization There is power in visualization, to see yourself where you want to be. The power of intention is at your fingertips. This can be work, personal and even with your mediumship! If you can see the goal by envisioning it and believe it because you have supporting facts, you […]
Do you need to make better choices?
4 STEPS TO MAKING BETTER CHOICES Making better choices is essential to your overall health, happiness, and success. When you make better choices, you understand yourself better, lead with confidence, and project positivity as you achieve your goals. With sound decision-making skills, you can ensure that you live the life you’ve always wanted. Follow the […]
How to Create More Productivity and Focus
The First Hour of Your Day Who doesn’t want more productivity out of their day? What’s the first thing you do when you get started each morning? For many of us, it’s a rush to the PC to check email, which leads to immediately getting bogged down in routine and “have to do” tasks. The […]
Powerful Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits
Powerful Benefits of Breaking Bad Habits It’s obvious when habits start to consume your life. While as obvious as it is, that doesn’t mean doing the work to improve it is easier. Breaking bad habits requires change, and even if it’s a good change, it can be uncomfortable or intimidating to get started. It requires […]
Affirmation – Exemplify Happiness
One must exemplify happiness even when we are down. It is a way to force our brain to accept it. Happiness is my constant state of mind. I could easily give in to feelings of guilt, anger or sadness, but I feel so much better when I am happy. And because I feel positively about […]