Quick Review – The Major Arcana

The Major Arcana The classic tarot deck is split up into major arcana cards and minor arcana cards. The major arcana are often seen as the best ones to get and are extremely powerful. They include cards like The Fool, The Star, The Magician, and The Tower. There are 22 cards in all, with a […]

10 mins read

Detachment With Law of Attraction

Why is Detachment Necessary for the Law of Attraction Detachment when it comes to the law of attraction?  It is easy to focus on what you want to manifest into your life, and choose different methods for making it happen. But then what? If you then just obsess about your manifestations and think nothing about […]

3 mins read

Empowerment and Self-Esteem

The Connection between Personal Empowerment and Self-Esteem Self-esteem is an important element of success. It’s also an integral component of self-empowerment. Without a belief in yourself, it’s difficult to accomplish your goals. In this article we’ll explore definitions of personal empowerment and self-esteem and then talk about how they overlap. What Is Self-Esteem? Many people […]

3 mins read

Affirmation – My Opinion Matters

For too many years I was afraid to express my opinion in social and work settings.   I learned early on that nobody cared what I thought.  This is where affirmations are a great help. This weeks affirmation is as follows: I feel comfortable voicing my opinion on any topic in all situations.  About Weekly Affirmations […]

1 min read

Effectively Communicating with Your Audience

Effectively Communicating with Your Audience When you know your audience, everything is easier.   If you own a business or are involved in any community organization and effort, having good communication skills will truly up to your game more than almost anything else. Proper communication is required to inspire them to purchase or influence them to […]

3 mins read

How to Prioritize Your Goals

How to Prioritize Your Goals In order to prioritize your goals you’ll need to have a good understanding of what you need to be happy in your life. There are typically four areas in which most people make goals: Family – Spending more time with your kids or partner Financial – Saving toward your six […]

5 mins read

Avoiding Unconscious Bias

Common Unconscious Bias Examples and How to Avoid Them An unconscious bias is based on assumptions and opinions rather on facts or evidence. In other words, it involves judging something or someone according to hearsay or someone else’s opinions or beliefs. Unconscious biases are often wrong especially when it involves a group of people. Everything […]

4 mins read

Your Brain and Mediumship

Using your brain and mediumship is a challenge for those learning to work with Spirit.  The left and right sides of the brain fight each other.   But let’s talk about how you can make these two sides work together and make it easier for you!  We are all different and how it works in each […]

3 mins read

Do you need a Support System?

Cultivating Your Support System Having relationships and making friends is part of life. Everyone does it. Having said that, some of us are better at doing it than others. If you’ve found yourself having a hard time making supportive friends, it’s time to take a deep look into yourself and figure out why. After all, […]

4 mins read

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children Emotionally intelligent children grow into secure adults.  Children who are more connected emotionally to their parents tend to do better in school.  They have fewer behavioral issues, and grow up to be well adjusted. Most parents mean well, and want their children to grow up emotionally healthy.  Yet, sometimes they make […]

3 mins read