Fundraiser to support a fellow volunteer at Lily Dale

I will be serving as a Medium for this fundraiser on June 4th.    Come by and support Michaela. It is a great day to come to the LD Coordinators Meeting and then come for a Spaghetti meal after. There will be prizes like a reading with Lisa Williams, theme baskets and other unique prizes as […]

1 min read

Happiness never decreases by being shared…

I think of this a lot lately.  When I share joy it is seems to expand.  It is also wonderful to share when others achieve.  It doesn’t take away from my achievements by celebrating others.  We are all connected and when we accept this, life gets easier. So why do others have such difficulty in […]

1 min read

Thoughts on compassion — one that I continue to work on

  The world needs more compassion and kindness.  Radhanath’s message is simple: by cultivating a genuine practice of service, we can become instruments of compassion and agents of sustainable change in the world. This is a great talk he reminded me that all too often people use people and they love things. This is a […]

1 min read