Tag: Balance
Weekly Affirmation – Balance
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I balance my life between work, rest, and play.
Weekly Affirmation – My Eating habits are mine to control
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am the only person in control of my eating habits. I can always resist something if I choose to.
Rules Rules Rules
Anyone else a NCIS fan? We all know Gibbs Rules – a code he lives his life by and his team follows him Rule 3 – Don’t believe what you’re told. Double check. Spiritualism teaches us to question what is presented to us and allows us to come to these truths on our own. […]
Focus – Are you struggling with it?
I have had great difficulty in focus lately. I am trying to juggle way too many things all at one time. Between working Real Estate, Psychic events, private readings, teaching and my upcoming book I am becoming overwhelmed. There is so much I want to do, so many places I want to go. This has […]
Are your feet stuck in mud?
Do you feel as if no matter how hard you try you are stuck in the mud? Like you feet are in mud even though you want to move forward but so for some reason you cannot move? Perhaps it isn’t mud but quicksand. You are overwhelmed and exhausted. The loneliness is powerful and you […]
Chaotic changes do not have to ruin your peace!
Chaotic changes can overwhelm even the calmest person. I think we can all agree that the past week has been full of shock and emotions have run amuck with all these chaotic changes we face. I find it very interesting that for the very first time in my life I have not been sucked into […]
October 9, 2016 Talk – First Spiritualist Church of Erie
So many have asked me for the highlights from my talk that I figured it was an important talk to write down since I had the outline in index cards, I can recreate it. I have had a few firsts at this church. My first lecture was here so it seems fitting the first lecture […]
Being true to your gut…
Being true to your gut is not always an easy thing to do. Today I did something that some may not agree about. But I listened to my gut and followed it. I have wanted to walk away for a long time. There was this invisible string holding me. My own fear of rejection. Rejection […]
Stop being Afraid!
How do you stop being afraid? This is where I am right now in my life. I am not afraid anymore. Just try to shame me, or laugh at me. Reject me. I no long worry what others think. I am living life out loud. I am changing. I am growing. I am tired of […]
Transformation and New Beginnings…
New beginnings are exciting and they are scary. Today is a new start in this transformation of mine. It is not a huge moment. In fact, it is one of those small moments. It is not a specific date, but a mindset for me. I see the world as a beautiful place. There is no […]