Tag: Balance
Empowerment and Self-Esteem
The Connection between Personal Empowerment and Self-Esteem Self-esteem is an important element of success. It’s also an integral component of self-empowerment. Without a belief in yourself, it’s difficult to accomplish your goals. In this article we’ll explore definitions of personal empowerment and self-esteem and then talk about how they overlap. What Is Self-Esteem? Many people […]
Revision Surgery Recovery Tips
Facing surgery? I want to share some of my recovery tips to help you with the process. It is hard to believe that I recently had yet another surgery. I am off pain medications, that is a relief. Still sore and bruised, but that is part of the process. I have to remember to take […]
Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies
One of my favorite cookies are Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookies. We are in the deep of winter and it is my favorite time to bake. Cooking brings me joy and I am often asked for my recipes. So I started here with some of my favorite. Warms up the house and the bonus of fresh […]
Our Needs and Desires
Needs Versus Desires We all want things. But our wants can be categorized into two different sections: needs and desires. With some things, the category that our wants fall into can be easy to distinguish, but for other items, it can be very difficult to figure out. With a little bit more understanding of needs […]
How to Prioritize Your Goals
How to Prioritize Your Goals In order to prioritize your goals you’ll need to have a good understanding of what you need to be happy in your life. There are typically four areas in which most people make goals: Family – Spending more time with your kids or partner Financial – Saving toward your six […]
What is low impact living?
Low Impact Living – What Is It? Have you ever heard the phrase low impact living and wondered what it is? It almost sounds like it means you live your life not moving around a lot. That’s not exactly it, though. Low impact living refers to the amount of impact you have on the planet. […]
Time Management Struggles Are Real
How to Be Ruthless with Time Time management struggles are real. If you’ve created a time management plan and still failed to reach your goals, it’s likely because you’re too flexible and easy on yourself and others when it comes to the schedule. The sorry fact is that time is not limitless. You can’t get […]
Do you need a Support System?
Cultivating Your Support System Having relationships and making friends is part of life. Everyone does it. Having said that, some of us are better at doing it than others. If you’ve found yourself having a hard time making supportive friends, it’s time to take a deep look into yourself and figure out why. After all, […]
Affirmation – Work to Overcome Fear
We all experience fear and we must work to over come them. Fear is normal, what is not normal is to let it over run your life. Stopping you from enjoying the people and things that surround you. Fortunately, you can break the negativity in its tracks. This is where affirmations are a great help. […]
Do you Suffer from too Much Information?
The Problem with Too Much Information Information is everywhere. Louis Freeh once said that, “Collecting intelligence information is like drinking water out of a fire hydrant.” While you’re not likely collecting intelligence information, that’s what information overload is like: drinking water from a fire hydrant. Much of it will spill out and be missed. The […]