The Art of Inspirational Speaking in Spiritualist Churches

What is Inspirational Speaking? Inspirational speaking is a powerful tool for uplifting, motivating, and connecting with an audience on a deep level. Within the context of Spiritualist churches, it involves delivering a talk on a specific topic that typically lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. How speakers approach this task can vary widely, offering a […]

4 mins read

Seasonal Anxiety Self-Care

Self-Care for Seasonal Anxiety Self-care has been a hot topic for many years now.  It can be applied to seasonal anxiety.  As more people learn how to put themselves first and take care of their own health and well-being. This is a great idea for everyone, but self-care is not always about bubble baths and […]

3 mins read

Power of Visualization

The Benefits and Power of Visualization There is power in visualization, to see yourself where you want to be.   The power of intention is at your fingertips.  This can be work, personal and even with your mediumship!  If you can see the goal by envisioning it and believe it because you have supporting facts, you […]

2 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Controlling Thoughts

Controlling Thoughts can be a struggle for so many people.   Anxiety is normal human reaction, albeit not a productive one.  When anxiety rears its ugly head in your thoughts, it is time to have some skills that will help you manage these negative thoughts.   This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation […]

1 min read