Oracle vs Tarot? I am often asked the difference between Oracle and Tarot decks. That made stop for a moment. I know that my preference is Tarot, but in looking…
Exploring Peter Gabriel’s Music Through the Lens of Tarot Peter Gabriel has been a favorite artist of mine.  Peter Gabriel has a career that is a rich tapestry of musical exploration,…
As a medium, the more you know, the more Spirit can use to communicate with you.   Tarot cards along with pendulums, runes, astrology and numerology all are tools that Mediums…
Exploring Gretchen Peters’ Music Through the Lens of Tarot Gretchen Peters’ songwriting is renowned for its depth, emotional honesty, and narrative brilliance. Her music captures the human experience in all…
One of the most common question regard tarot cards is that of cheating (be it significant other, friend, business partner or someone wanting to deceive you).  It can be uncomfortable. …

Mercury in Retrograde Ahead: December 3 – December 22, 2017

December 3 – December 22, 2017 will find us once again with Mercury in Retrograde this time in fire-sign Sagittarius.   The last one earlier this year was sandwiched between two eclipses and was an intense time.   For me it was crazy and it was frustrating on so many levels.   I wasn’t alone. […]

2 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – I am at peace

Being at peace is hard for many people.  Finding peace can be a struggle.  I am at peace because I did a lot of hard work.  Part of the work involved the use of affirmations.   Affirmations are small steps that change your life.  This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am at peace with the […]

1 min read

Standing up to a bully – Why is it so hard?

I had enough and I am Standing up to a Bully!  I have been bullied all of my life.  Bullies come in all shapes and sizes, they can be men or women, family, friends, and strangers.  It can start out innocently enough and progressively get worse.  Often the victim of bullying suffers greatly as a […]

6 mins read

Are you paying attention?

Over the past few months I have been paying attention to what has been happening in this country.   What happened yesterday morning has me completely shaken.   Because at the time that the Terrorist walked into a congregation and shot and killed so many, I too was in church.   Granted a different church […]

5 mins read

It is Time to Vote!

Today is election day.  I have spoken about the importance of voting before.   Many people feel it is not necessary to vote, and I believe that you really need to step up and vote.   Politics is distasteful and it has paralyzed many.   Right now the system is what it is.  Work within it […]

2 mins read

Pope Francis following his leadership example

Pope Francis inspires me.   I grew up Roman Catholic and he is the second Pope that I can relate to.   The first being of course my cousin, John Paul.   Well he really isn’t my cousin, but being Polish our family considered him family.   But Pope Francis is all things that the religion of Spiritualism is […]

2 mins read

Can’t we all just get along?

It is Halloween and technically one of the scariest nights of the year.  Not so anymore it is a banner day when people just get along.   Everyday is scary from the way we are treating each other to all the negativity out there.   Everyone is leading from fear and it is not a good […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – How to be Happy

Being happy is a choice.   How to be happy is self-driven.  This weeks affirmation is as follows: Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I’ve been given. About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations.   I personally find using the same affirmation for […]

1 min read