May Intentions will bring peace for me
These are my May intentions: In the month of May, I intend to bring greater peace for myself. I release all that has brought me down and distracted me from my goals in life. Life may be hard, it does not have to feel awful. In order to do this, I will not feel stressed and be defeated by the many setbacks I have encountered in the past. I understand that they are important in my development and ultimate plan.
There are many wonderful things to look forward to this spring and summer and beyond. I am grateful for all that I have and I forgive myself for not knowing better in the past. In the month of May, I will move forward with a positive and cheerful attitude towards life. My challenge is to trust that the things I want the Universe is working on and that until then I will enjoy each moment to its fullest.
May Intentions
Sounds a little too sugary? Perhaps not enough. But one thing I know for certain. Yesterday was a hard day for me. Full of tears and I had not control over them. Allowing myself to be stressed and anxious all day long. I lost track of my plan. My mistake, I allowed others to make me feel less than acceptable and I allowed material things be a priority. There I was guilty of living in the past, the future and not in the now. The effects of 4 planets in retrograde surely have something to do with these emotions. Throughout the month of April emotional triggers were tripped and I was brought to my knees.
Why do I write about this?
Simple. There is no way that I am not the only one that has to be feeling this right at this moment. And if not today, someone in the future will come across this post and it will help them. The thought that I have failed in some way and that I do not matter. Right now, I have enough people beating me up for my failings, I don’t need to do it as well. If you are feeling this way, face it. Feel it. Then let go of it. Look at where you are, how far you have come and make a plan from where you stand. Forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Move forward — you know better now.
The thought that I have failed in so many ways and that I do not matter. The harder I try, the more things do not happen. It is as if I can do nothing right. I don’t need to beat myself up as well. Neither do you.
It is OK to feel frustrated!
Feel it, let yourself acknowledge those negative emotions. Denying them doesn’t make them go away — facing them and working through them does. Then let go of it. Look at where you are, how far you have come and make a plan from where you stand.
Many times things go wrong through no fault of your own. Perhaps the Universe needs to redirect you to answer the prayer of someone else. Frustrating, yes but it does not mean that you cannot accomplish what you want. It just means that there is a slight delay.
The first step, look around and be grateful for what you do have. The people that make you smile, the things that bring you joy. Bask in that for a few moments. Then start working on that to do list to start on the path to successfully achieving your dreams.
Have Patience & Faith
Once you do that, look around and be grateful for what you do have. The people that make you smile, the things that bring you joy. Bask in that for a few moments. Then start working on that to do list to start on the path to successfully achieving your dreams. You will experience detours and delays. Yes, you may even have days that completely devastate you.
Look at where you are, how far you have come and make a plan from where you stand. Again, look around and be grateful for what you do have. The people that make you smile, the things that bring you joy. Bask in that for a few moments. Then start working on that to do list to start on the path to successfully achieving your dreams.
Until then, breathe. Everything comes in its own divine timing. I have learned, that timing is NEVER on your schedule. You will have everything when you need it and not a second before. So sit back and let the Universe put together a plan, laugh a little while you wait and instead of being upset by the setback know that they are there to prepare you for your dreams.
My May intentions don’t sound to sugary right about now….