I poured my heart and soul into it. I wrote this book, more so for myself it was the book I was searching for along my own spiritual journey. Little did I realize what I was searching for was the final version that I saw of this book in my head.
It is in the proof reading stage. It has taken longer than I thought, but it also is better than where I was in March so the delay will be worth it. This photo is my Author shot. I wanted to look joyful. I think that Mark Donnelly did just that.
Not a perfect picture; but that wasn’t the goal. The wind did its own thing, my mother will point out I am slouching, I should have worn a better bra and my eyes look as if I am squinting. The photo is me – this is who I am. Happy and content and ready for what is next.
As I look at this picture I am beginning to see and accept the beautiful person I am. Perfect just the way I am. That is what my book will help others accept too. I wrote this book to clear the confusion of spirituality. Our spiritual journey is just like a stream, no two moments are the same. Sometimes like a twig we get stuck and other times we flow down it effortlessly. There are times it is fast and times that it stagnates. You may be flowing down the same stream with me, but your experiences will be slightly different. So much like life…
So in the coming weeks, I will be able to advance sale the book and then officially release it to the world. Until then, outline on two more books started, preparation of lectures for future speaking engagements and work will keep me busy. I am excited beyond words….
Colleeen It’s nice to know your doing well and it sounds like an exciting time for you. Congradulations!