Creative Juices Are Meant to Flow
Sometimes the creative juices just don’t flow. The more you want to be creative, the harder it becomes. It eludes your every try. Deadlines go by and you become stressed. Does it sound familiar? Many people experience this and it is when they let go they find it again.
Creative Juices Flow
That has been the case with me as of late. Now all of a sudden they are back. I want to write, make things and do things that in love art and music. I have been experimenting in the kitchen as well.
Not exactly sure where it came from. Pretty much like I am not sure why it went away for awhile. I think I will just roll with it. Find a way to work with it when it appears and take a break when it goes away. Beginning to think it is a balance thing.
You too maybe feeling out of balance. Instead of fighting it try rolling with it.