Category: About Mediumship
This is a safe place to learn about Mediumship. When you are called to it –it can be scary, it doesn’t have to be. I remember coming into this power and not sure of what it all meant. Or watching a medium and wondering if I could be that accurate. I am here to tell you that yes, you can and your purpose will evolve as you do.
Learning about Mediumship is one that can bring you great joy. If you find yourself struggling with a teacher — find another. You should feel safe and encouraged. Frustration is part of the process as you and your guides find a way to communicate. I promise you at some point you will stop trying to figure out how and just do.
So take what you can from here and apply it to your life.
Special Healing Prayer after attack in Paris
I struggled thinking of this all day. I knew there was something that I needed to say… Healing Prayer for Paris I had this long winded thought that I started with: In the words of Martin Luther King — “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only […]
Inspiration Stump – First Public Message
Earlier this year I dreamed of this moment. Not once, but many times. I think I did a good job, the other Mediums that were there were patting me on the back. Now it is time to move forward. Keep on going…. I know what it is like to serve Spirit in a way that […]
Frogs and me….
Frogs I have long associated with Frogs in my life. My first love was Kermit the Frog. Today I have been at Weber Wonderland, alone and quietly enjoying the house. I have needed the down time to think. I went down to the pool and then saw this little critter. It was better to see […]
Reminder Three Words
This is my reminder three words that are important to me this year. I made a commitment to trying this exercise this year. Since finding anything that I do on Twitter difficult at best, I thought I might place it here. If only to remind me that I have this…. My #3words 2015: Fearless Persistence […]
Are you an expert about consciousness?
Consciousness is a common talking point in Spiritual Community. Some of these conversations are heated because everyone is an expert. Are they really experts or is it that they have a strong opinion. Just when I think I have a handle on it, I learn something new. The truth is we are always learning and […]
Watch for Sixes – You will Find Balance Then…
Find Balance in Sixes I was told awhile back “watch for sixes” and I was confused? It was some advice I received some time back. At the time, I struggled with balance in my life. No wonder with all the changes coming my way. Awhile ago, a good friend of mine told me to watch for […]
Three Words for 2015 ~ Fearless ~ Persistence ~ Compassion
By selecting three words each year to focus on instead of a resolution you sharpen your ability to focus on making your life better.