Category: About Mediumship
This is a safe place to learn about Mediumship. When you are called to it –it can be scary, it doesn’t have to be. I remember coming into this power and not sure of what it all meant. Or watching a medium and wondering if I could be that accurate. I am here to tell you that yes, you can and your purpose will evolve as you do.
Learning about Mediumship is one that can bring you great joy. If you find yourself struggling with a teacher — find another. You should feel safe and encouraged. Frustration is part of the process as you and your guides find a way to communicate. I promise you at some point you will stop trying to figure out how and just do.
So take what you can from here and apply it to your life.
Failures Are Not All Bad
Failure. We look at that word in such a negative context, when we should really do so. Not all failures are bad. Repeat that one more time. Failures are not all bad. I have failed more than I’ve succeeded. Hasn’t everybody? It’s a matter of statistics, really. The only difference between a master and a […]
Calming meditation for a crazy day…
Calming meditation is key to finding peace. It calms you, gives you a connection to Spirit that so many are seeking. Meditation can induce a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Many studies demonstrate the practice can help relieve stress — as well as manage anxiety, reduce inflammation, and improve memory. You often hear […]
Discernment – A Powerful Mediumship Tool
There are many tools in a Medium’s toolbox. Today I want to discuss discernment and how it is a powerful mediumship tool.
Peace found through stillness
I first wrote about stillness back in 2017, it seems today even more relevant. Stillness often makes people uncomfortable. We always have to be busy and doing things. There is a huge difference between making a living and making a life. So much of our lives really happen in our heads. This is […]
Get Together with our Development Circle Friends
Our Plymouth Development Circle get together has been interrupted due to the International Health Crisis. I am trying to see if anyone wants to continue via on-line. I have set up an account on Zoom. You will need to download the free app on your computer to participate. I look to seeing you very soon. […]
Camp Etna
I am so looking forward to being part of the Summer Program at Camp Etna in 2019. It is just part of a handful of events that I will participating in this year. The majority of my time this year will be spent on healing and growing as a Medium. Here is a breakdown […]
Love Light & Healing Psychic Fair – Erie PA March 29 2019
Come join myself and some awesome Mediums and vendors tomorrow if you are in the Erie PA area on March 29 2019. We are going to have a lot of fun! There are many wonderful things to see and do… Rev. Jack Rudy and myself will be doing a Gallery at 2:30pm. It is […]
Psychic Centers Opening Prayer
Prayers are powerful I recently heard this opening prayer and though it was lovely. Why pray? It helps with your mindset. It actually changes how you see the world. The focus on on gratitude, and asking the Universe for what you desire. It is a simple formula that works if you are Jewish, Christian, Spiritualist […]
Thank you – Cracking the Spiritual Code
I want to thank Randi Sands and her amazing new website Cracking the Spiritual Code for an awesome interview she just posted! Her website went live on February 3rd and it is a beautiful one! But then again, she is an animal communicator — how can anything she does not be so! Randi and I […]