Category: About Mediumship
This is a safe place to learn about Mediumship. When you are called to it –it can be scary, it doesn’t have to be. I remember coming into this power and not sure of what it all meant. Or watching a medium and wondering if I could be that accurate. I am here to tell you that yes, you can and your purpose will evolve as you do.
Learning about Mediumship is one that can bring you great joy. If you find yourself struggling with a teacher — find another. You should feel safe and encouraged. Frustration is part of the process as you and your guides find a way to communicate. I promise you at some point you will stop trying to figure out how and just do.
So take what you can from here and apply it to your life.
How soon can a loved one reach out to you?
How soon may I hear from my (insert Mother, Father, Friend, etc…) after they pass? This question came up yesterday. An acquaintance of mine just lost someone very near to them. It is a loss that just breaks your heart when you hear about it. Every loss including those you are prepared for will break […]
Give and Take of Life
The give and take of life is not fair. Balance. Sometimes everything is going for you, sometimes not at all. I don’t always have all the answers, but I do know that there are times that I can be the one person who can help someone. Most often it is the person who can ill […]
Mercury in Retrograde – September 27, 2021 to October 18, 2021
Speaking first hand we are in the shadow and I have had lots of issues already. That means that this may be a bumpy Mercury in Retrograde. September 27, 2021 – October 18, 2021 in air-sign Libra. Take this time to review and reassess factors in your life. If you are an earth sign like […]
Mercury in Retrograde – May 29, 2021 to June 22, 2021
Yes it is that time again… Mercury is heading into retrograde. This one goes from May 29, 2021 to June 22, 2021 in air-sign Gemini. I have written about it many times, the same things apply to remember back up your technology, double check contracts and be aware of delays in travel. Upcoming Dates of […]
Clairsentience or “Clear Feeling”
Definition: Clairsentience, loosely translated, means “clear-feeling”. Clairsentience is an extremely heightened form of empathy. It is important to understand that no two people receive information the same way. The best way I can explain it is that as a Clairsentient person, I often just clearly know something. As I give messages or readings, it is […]
Free Will – Ethics and Mediumship
What is free will? Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. Nobody should try and manipulate how someone should or should not interpret a message given to them from Spirit. A person’s free will should never be messed with. Recently […]
Having Faith is Deeply Personal
Having Faith is Personal What does it really mean by having faith? Is it something Religious or is in more something that we carry deep within ourselves? Should it be something we blindly follow or something we should challenge. It is Sunday morning so it is a good time to ask these questions. For years […]
Training — It is all in how you see things…
How you see things affects every decision in life. I originally posted this in November of 2016 with a very little text. With the cleaning up my blog I have been revisiting old articles. I guess in many ways I post things too quickly. Then again, perhaps the revisit gives me a chance to really […]
The Power of Meditation
The power in meditation is your level of trust. How meditation can assist you completely depends on your ability to trust what you get in meditation. Tibetan monks meditate for may hours each week. Their devotion to their religious traditions makes them experts in the practice of meditation. When you have heightened state of awareness […]
Today I will not ___________
I will not tell you what to do. But I want to propose a challenge to you. Today is July 1. Start of a new month and a new idea. How many times do we do little things that affect us negatively? I thought a bit about this and thought what if… Today I will […]