Tag: Three Words
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt…
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt. Makes you think doesn’t it? This post was originally posted May 30, 2016, it is just as important to me today as it was when I wrote it then. I felt a need to share it once again. It amazes me how simple this saying […]
Career Shift
Originally written on October 19, 2016, this is still true today. I am still evolving, yet a little calmer in finding what is next. I am in a huge career shift and I am restless. I am working very hard at letting it evolve to what it will be and not control it. This for […]
Weekly Affirmation – My Words
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
My words are loving and healing.
My Three Words 2020
Three words can help you focus on your life for the year. The words should be important to you and you do not have to explain them.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer came to many American’s awareness when Betty Ford was diagnosed as First Lady. It was 1974 and it would be the year that my mother would start her battle with Breast Cancer right after my youngest brother was born. My mother had just turned 30 and at the time that was pretty […]
Today I have a double mastectomy
Today I have a double mastectomy and I am every emotion wrapped into a mess that sits here writing. Some say this is elective, others say that I really have no choice. One thing is for sure, I am not the only one that is going through this today, this week or this year. […]
What is the lesson?
I am trying to understand what the lesson I am to learn at this point. Then I came across this thought and it all became clearer. I have been focusing on the hurt part, not the lesson that Spirit is trying to teach me. Today I have decided to shake off the hurt, wipe my […]
2019 Year of Peace – Happy New Year
Year of Peace. That is what I want. I have struggled over the years, fought what it was that I was going to do with my life. I am finding balance. If you have been following my blog for many years you know that I take time each year and select three words to focus […]
Principles Rules & Boundaries Talk – Attunement Spiritualist Church
It is always an honor to speak and I am most grateful for the opportunity to speak on January 21st about Boundaries. We all struggle with healthy boundaries. Many times they are created to keep us safe and other times This talk covers the process of how I use My Three Words and implementing them […]
2018 Year of Connection – Happy New Year!
I have been on a wave of happiness for awhile now. It started by changing my focus on being present in the moment. It resulted in my not writing as much as I have wanted to here. In my personal journals and correspondence with someone I love, I have been writing more than ever. I […]