Tag: Strength
Are you going to sink or swim?
Sink or Swim, we all have free will to do one or the other. How many of us have heard the are you going to sink or swim in the face of difficulty? It starts with swimming lessons and our ability to learn to swim in water. There is a quote by Tom Cruise […]
Thank you to all those that have lit the spark within me…
I want to thank those that have lit the spark in me. It happens.. You run out of energy, you have nothing left to give. We have all been there. It is part of the reason that I sit here and write as much as I do. I leave this site as a place to […]
This about sums up my week!
A series of problems with deals that I am working that are completely out of my control. Personally — there is so much shit going on at home with contractors not doing what they promised, and stuff that was put away safely that cannot be found. My cell phone decided that it needed to be factory […]