Weekly Affirmation: Celebrating Your Unique Journey

Celebrating your unique journey means recognizing that no two paths are the same. Take a deep breath and let go of any need to compare yourself to others. This week’s affirmation is a reminder to focus on your growth and honor the progress you’ve made, no matter how different it looks from someone else’s. Your […]

2 mins read

The Intersection of Mental Health and Mediumship

My experience with grief has a long history, and it has been a guiding force in defining my connection to Spirit. Over time, I’ve learned that understanding how Spirit communicates with me is essential for maintaining my mental and emotional balance. Part of this understanding has involved building strong boundaries with Spirit—asking not to receive […]

5 mins read

Uncomfortable Questions to Answer In Your Journal

Embracing discomfort can lead to profound personal growth. This set of journal prompts focuses on uncomfortable questions that challenge you to confront and understand your deepest fears, doubts, and unresolved issues. By facing these questions head-on, you’ll foster resilience and self-awareness, essential qualities for both personal development and mediumship. Approach these prompts with courage, and […]

1 min read

Letting Go….

Embracing and Releasing Real Emotions: A Journey of Growth Letting go of emotions is hard.   They are so real and right now.  I know first hand that it is not easy.  This was written in April of 2017 originally, I am bringing it forward because the knowledge rings true today.  I’ve encountered situations that deeply […]

2 mins read

The Inner Journey: Why Internal Work is Vital for Mediumship Development

Embarking on the path of mediumship is a deeply personal journey. Each individual’s experience is unique, shaped by their past, beliefs, and inner struggles. Yet, despite these differences, there is a common thread that binds us all.  The importance of self-awareness and personal healing in nurturing our abilities as mediums. Self-awareness acts as a guiding […]

1 min read

The Myth of Perfection: Embracing Imperfection and Vulnerability in Spiritual Growth

So many of us in our spiritual growth think that perfection is the goal.  We often compare ourselves to others and beat ourselves up for not being like them.   When in reality we are not them, and our spiritual growth will be different.   It is about embracing our imperfection and being vulnerable is part of […]

3 mins read

From Skeptic to Believer: Embracing the Power of Mediumship

The power of Mediumship is a draw for many.  Facilitating Mediumship Development Circles not only involves guiding students but also delving into the profound questions that inevitably arise. As a facilitator, I find myself anticipating and exploring these questions with each circle. I want to share the most common inquiries, and providing insightful answers to […]

4 mins read

Egotism and the Decline of Spiritualism

Egotism Creates Problems Ego is one of the biggest problems in Spiritual Communities.   I am sure it has played a factor in every religion.  These thoughts are on Spiritualism.  I am a Spiritualist, and I have observed a few things over the years.  This article was originally published on March 11, 2022, still rings true […]

8 mins read

Natural Law: Guiding Light in a Changing World

Our Changing World The conflict in the Middle East has had me thinking of our changing world.  It has taken me back to the study of Natural Law. The Spiritual connection cannot be overlooked. Natural Law, a concept rooted in philosophy and embraced by various spiritual traditions, serves as a timeless guide for individuals seeking […]

4 mins read