Tag: Signs from Spirit
What Is Happening In Our Nation?
So for a very long time I have sat and watched our nation crumble and saw a culmination of the worst of humanity last week. The negativity, the cancel culture, the lack of respect are all signs of something far greater than we sense right now. My husband wrote the other day Undependence II, which […]
Wisdom teeth gone but not forgotten
To end the year that shall not be named again, I had my wisdom teeth removed plus one extra tooth that was hanging around causing me issues. Ironically that was in the plan in 2019 before I got my BRCA2 diagnosis. Since that diagnosis I have had many invasive surgeries and I have dealt […]
Weekly Affirmation – Importance of Grounding
There is great importance of grounding. When you are grounded you make better decisions and your connection with Spirit is easier. To find this balance and be more centered in life, try using affirmations to assist you. How about trying an affirmation to change your mindset? This week’s affirmation is as follows: I am fully […]
What is Christ Consciousness?
Christ Consciousness – is it a real thing? It is Sunday morning during a pandemic, there is no church to go to and I have been thinking a lot about all things Spiritual. Realizing that religion is someone else’s interpretation of Spirit and Natural Law. I woke thinking about this topic. Since it is Sunday, […]
A Lightworker’s Request – Be a Nice Human Please
In this day in age we shouldn’t have to remind people to Be a Nice Human Please. Yet here we are in 2020 doing just that.
Getting Back Into Spiritual Practice
My Spiritual Practice is evolving to where it needs to be to serve others more effectively. That is exactly what I am doing now — growing and thriving in a time of great stress.
Previvors Take Time To Process
Previvors take time to process everything that happens to them. 546 days ago I sat in my genetic counselor’s office hearing what I had already known to be true. That I carried the genetic mutation that predisposed me to some nasty, yet preventable, cancers. The clock was ticking, at 53 I was a lot […]
What is Clairaudience or Clear Hearing
Definition: Clairaudience, which means clear hearing, is the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside sources in the spirit world. Psychics who are clairaudient hear voices, sounds or music that are not audible to the normal ear. They receive these messages mentally or within their ears. This is an interesting gift. For me I […]
Letting go of fear can set you free…
Letting go of fear. We all have had someone tell us that if you could just let go of fear everything will be okay. Which immediately results in us feeling even more fearful and our anxiety levels increase ten fold. Seriously — think about it it makes no logical sense and it makes complete sense […]
Pandemic Cleaning Story – My Blog
During this time at home, like many others I have a pandemic cleaning story. This one is how I have been going through my blog.