Tag: Love
Did I make the Most of Loving You…
This talk later today was a journey for me. I learned much along the way. But for now it is done. Just in time. Spirit always gives it to me just in time… Reminder to trust that I will have what it is that I need. This talk I will just have several points to […]
What makes a house a home?
In my Real Estate life, I assist people in finding their homes. It is a simple process in theory but in reality it is one of the most complicated things going. I am not an order taker — I am a fulfiller of dreams and I can make magic happen for those I work with when […]
How do you fix a broken heart?
How do you fix a broken heart? Patience. I know not the answer you wanted to hear, but it is the truth. It takes time to heal. The reality of a broken heart is that it takes time. No two situations are the same and the amount of time to heal never the same. The trick […]
Spiritual Teachings at the simplest level….
So basic isn’t it? Yet so many find it so difficult to do or be. So for today give it a try. Let these basic principles guide you all day long….
Fundraiser to support a fellow volunteer at Lily Dale
I will be serving as a Medium for this fundraiser on June 4th. Come by and support Michaela. It is a great day to come to the LD Coordinators Meeting and then come for a Spaghetti meal after. There will be prizes like a reading with Lisa Williams, theme baskets and other unique prizes as […]
Jim Carrey – A Powerful Video
Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. Love is the most important thing in life. Apparently he keeps coming in front of me. Love or Fear. I am constantly working towards making decisions that are from the position of love. Don’t get me wrong, I struggle with fear every day of my life. […]
Letting go of fear and finding love….
Finding love – it is what everyone wants yet it eludes so many. Today I came across this article – If he wanted to be with you, he would be with you. I understand this only too well. Learning to move on when I hear that “You are a great person but… ” I don’t […]
Why do we need to control things?
The need to control is a very real human thing. I came across this quote and thought I need to be more like her — patient… I know I will get my way in the end. Just not in the timeframe that I want it in. I don’t think I am alone in this […]
Weekly Affirmation – Work on Anger
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with love.