Tag: Life Purpose
Why do I write about my experiences?
This is stuff that I have learned that Google cannot answer. It is sharing of experiences that we learn lessons and it sharing them we help others on their journey.
Weekly Affirmation – Gratitude for the Lessons
Having Gratitude for the Lessons we have on our journey is a starting point. Sometimes we don’t recognize them but when we do we should express gratitude. This week’s affirmation is as follows: Everything That is Happening Now is Happening For My Ultimate Good About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to […]
When you need inspiration
There are many sources of inspiration. If you are here and in need of inspiration this site is full of inspiration. Sometimes you just need to be reminded how wonderful you really are. Being inspired is important to our being as it is a springboard to creativity. When we are creative we are able to […]
Today I have a double mastectomy
Today I have a double mastectomy and I am every emotion wrapped into a mess that sits here writing. Some say this is elective, others say that I really have no choice. One thing is for sure, I am not the only one that is going through this today, this week or this year. […]
Road to Recovery
On May 14th I had my first surgery in my BRCA2 journey and I am on the road to recovery. It is quite jarring to discover that you have a genetic mutation that interrupts your body’s ability to fight certain cancers. I wasn’t entirely sure what I would experience with this surgery. So […]
Day 1 of my Journey with BRCA2 Diagnosis
Today I start Journey with BRCA2 diagnosis. George asked that I not publish my story right away… That once I start it will be out there. Right now we need time to really process all that we heard. So when I am ready these posts will go live. Right now they are sitting […]
Fall is here….
I blinked and the year has gone by so fast. There have been so many changes in my life and I am the happiest I have been in years. There is so much going on and I am struggling to keep it all in order. The removal of Real Estate from my professional life has […]
Just Be Who You Want To Be
Life is difficult at times. Sometimes we cannot just be. We forget that we are here for the human experience. The messy complicated interconnection with others. We first want to please our parents and family. Then we go to school and try and fit in with our classmates. Often in direct conflict of the first. […]
There are no accidents
File this under there are no accidents in life. Every once in awhile I have a feeling I need to do something. Not exactly sure why, but I trust it and go ahead and do it. At the time it may not be significant, it is only later that I understand the significance of that […]
The Pressure to Pursue your Passion
Passion is not a plan. Yet from a very young age we feel the pressure to follow it. The pressure to pursue your passion starts very early in our lives. Constantly we are questioned if we are following our passions. Passion is a feeling. Feelings can change. Often these feelings are right for […]