Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff We have all heard that we shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. Letting oneself get stressed out over the little things in life is one of the biggest ways to bring unnecessary grief into life’s path. We can avoid a lot of negative feelings, and even health problems, simply by learning […]

3 mins read

Affirmations – The Measure of Perfection

The measure of perfection is so subjective.   What one person thinks can be so drastically different than three other people.   We soon start becoming highly critical and forget to give ourselves grace.   Right now, here in this moment you are perfect.   Sure there are things you want to improve, but please don’t beat yourself up.   […]

1 min read

Affirmation – Releasing Negative Thoughts

Releasing negative thoughts is tough.   This is where affirmations are a great help.   This weeks affirmation is as follows: I am releasing negative thoughts to make space for stillness About Weekly Affirmations Each week I find it helpful to use affirmations.   I personally find using the same affirmation for 7 days more effective, so I […]

1 min read

Affirmation – Work to Overcome Fear

We all experience fear and we must work to over come them.  Fear is normal, what is not normal is to let it over run your life.   Stopping you from enjoying the people and things that surround you.   Fortunately, you can break the negativity in its tracks.   This is where affirmations are a great help.  […]

1 min read

Free Yourself from Needing the Approval of Others

Since we were children, most of us learned that it could be advantageous to make others happy. Most children want the approval of their parents, teachers, and peers. We tend to carry that same tendency into adulthood. While it’s natural to seek the approval of others, sometimes it might not be for the best. Being […]

4 mins read

Childhood Memories of Mandalas

Today I am filled with some childhood memories of mandalas.  Perhaps it is because the 14th was my mother’s birthday, or in part it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   But a lot of what is coming up is that year that my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.   I was eight, my brother Tim was […]

4 mins read