Tag: Judgement
Embracing differences in a divided world
Originally written July 18, 2018, but very important to share now. Embracing Differences between people is next to impossible at this time in history. Democrats vs Republicans. Americans vs Immigrants. Religious vs Atheists. The list of descriptives that separate us far outweigh those that unite us. We all are Spiritual Beings living a human experience. […]
Autism and Spirituality – Is there a connection?
I see much of it in children of several of my friends. I don’t remember growing up seeing Autism. When my son was born it was a time that we were just learning about vaccines and association of Autism. Now considered bad science, but something that I researched extensively. I studied much about the topic […]
If I were the Devil
I saw this a little while ago and it gave me pause. It is something to think about… There is all this divide in the world and media fanning the flames. Paul Harvy had this commentary back in the 60’s. It makes you think doesn’t it?
How existing fortune-telling laws may affect you…
Why are there fortune-telling laws? To all of those Metaphysical Professionals out there that are charging to remove negative entities from a home you may want to rethink your business. At least in New York state. I see and hear many things at psychic fairs and at various gatherings of Metaphysical people and I […]
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt…
Express yourself in a way that your absence is felt. Makes you think doesn’t it? This post was originally posted May 30, 2016, it is just as important to me today as it was when I wrote it then. I felt a need to share it once again. It amazes me how simple this saying […]
The Pandemic Waiting Game
This is an unprecedented time in history and it can be scary. You can either live in fear or have faith that it will all work out in the end. I choose faith. How about you?
Weekly Affirmation -Positive People
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
My social circle is full of nothing but positive people and that will help me be the best that I can be.
Ghost Hunting – Just stop already!
Ghost hunting has always bothered me. I talk with Spirit all the time. I am of white light and of positive energy. I am a connection between two worlds and a positive one at that. I find nothing positive about going around with all sorts of equipment to record the torture of a soul. I […]
Weekly Affirmation – Self Pity
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am too big a gift to this world to feel self-pity and sadness.
Making Your Life Easy
Making your life easy is not as difficult as you would think. Perhaps that is the problem, we over complicate things. Life is easy, it is all the things that we do as humans that complicate things. Today easy is what my daily life is. My husband and I are settled into a routine even […]