Tag: Control
Anger takes away from your happiness…
Anger is an emotion that does so much harm to the person that holds it. I used to hold on to being angry all the time. It was how I was raised, in an angry environment. I didn’t know any better. It is a learned behavior. Manifested in my lashing out or shutting down, yelling […]
Weekly Affirmation – Taking Control of my Life
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I Am my own hero. I AM strong, persistent, and I take control of my life.
A litle patience perhaps?
A little patience is not something that I always have. I get it. We all want it now. The immediacy of the internet has created a connection that we can find out anything we want instantly. Like not all answers can be found using Google, it is also important to understand that everything takes time. […]
What it means to have the BRCA2 Gene Mutation
Well, actually I have have the gene mutation all my life, it has been a week since I got the results. I now have a bunch of Dr. appointments to start making decisions. I go between relief and anger. Angry that I have waited so long to test knowing my family history. Relief that I […]
You can change the world….
So often we hear that we can change the world. Yet we have little that happens in our lives that reinforce that fact. In fact many women are given confusing signals. Like many, I grew up being told to hold my thoughts to myself. What my father said meant what we all were to believe. In […]
Focus on the good…
Focus on the good. We hear it so often, yet we are never really taught how to do just that. There are so many times you can fall into despair over what is happening in your life. You face many challenges and it just doesn’t seem like you can’t get a break. The harder you […]
Weekly Affirmation – I am in Control
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its contents.
Weekly Affirmation – My Eating habits are mine to control
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am the only person in control of my eating habits. I can always resist something if I choose to.
There is a storm coming…
I wrote this originally on May 19, 2017 about a storm coming. I am bringing it forward because I think it is important to speak out about the storm that is coming and it has the potential of being bad if we give into negativity and sit paralyzed. Can you feel it? I can’t […]
There are no accidents
File this under there are no accidents in life. Every once in awhile I have a feeling I need to do something. Not exactly sure why, but I trust it and go ahead and do it. At the time it may not be significant, it is only later that I understand the significance of that […]