Bravery is a Journey, not a Destination

When you slow down and think that bravery is a journey and not the end result, it takes a lot of pressure off of you.  Embracing bravery might not always be a walk in the park, but hey, I’m living proof that even I have my moments of not feeling entirely fearless! But guess what? […]

3 mins read

Have the courage to ask for what you want

Have the courage to ask.  Sounds simple until you sit down and decide what it is that you desire.   Because you can’t ask for everything all at once.   Just by asking doesn’t mean that it will happen.    You will have to put some serious work in to make it happen. For way too long I […]

2 mins read

Is it a Breakdown or a Spiritual Awakening?

Originally posted October 16, 2018, I find this still powerful today talking about breakdown and build up.  I am moving it forward to help find the person that needs to see this today. How Your Breakdown Creates Connection The thought that a breakdown is a bad thing when it really is the beginning of something […]

1 min read

Do you need an Attitude Adjustment?

Has someone told you that you need an attitude adjustment?   Before you get angry with them, perhaps they may be onto something.  They care enough about you to point you in a positive direction.  It is human nature to be defensive when someone points out a weakness in ourselves.   Trust me, I can relate. Change […]

4 mins read

Goal Setting for Success

Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself? Goal setting is something we should talk about.  There is a lot more to goal setting than just picking a goal and moving forward. While that is important, it’s also important to ensure that you are setting the right goals at the right time so that you […]

6 mins read