Tag: Connection
How soon can a loved one reach out to you?
How soon may I hear from my (insert Mother, Father, Friend, etc…) after they pass? This question came up yesterday. An acquaintance of mine just lost someone very near to them. It is a loss that just breaks your heart when you hear about it. Every loss including those you are prepared for will break […]
There is always hope for redemption….
Hope for redemption can be found. You must always have faith and believe that it will come, patience that is the hard part of the equation.
What is family?
So what is family? There is the family you are born into and their is the family you create. It seems that a lot of people today are struggling with family. I know I am and it is brutal. There are so many reasons why families break apart and bind together. The basic problems […]
A Crisis of Faith
Crisis of Faith does not have to be a result of a a single event. Originally I wrote this December 14, 2018, and I am bringing it forward because it continues and so many are being hurt. I am watching the same events unfold with a different cast of characters with the same negative influence. […]
Bravery sometimes is not giant moves…
Bravery is not always easy. I can tell you that I am not always brave. Today I put it out there for you. Over time I have learned that it is fear that often stops us from being brave. To be brave is scary and overwhelming. Your body makes you want to run and hide […]
Am I the only person to see people creating division?
Creating division seems to be a sport as of late. I see it everywhere, in social situation, the media, schools and families, including my own.
Is it time to quit Social Media?
There are a lot of people thinking that it might be time to quit Social Media. I originally posted this on August 8, 2020 and as I rethink my social media I thought I would share this again. Think about it, we are bombarded with negativity. We are divided or separated and gasoline poured onto […]
Weekly Affirmation – Community Connection
How often do we feel the lack of community connection in our lives? Often it is something out of our control, but it is also our mindset that helps with this. How about trying an affirmation to change your mindset? This week’s affirmation is as follows: I feel a deep connection with my community. […]
Tarot Tuesday: The Major Arcana
Tarot used to overwhelm me. The Major Arcana is probably the most recognizable set of these cards. 78 cards to remember and relate to. But they break down into manageable portions. There are so many facets to these cards it is hard to know where to start. My focus on these talks will always […]
Autism and Spirituality – Is there a connection?
I see much of it in children of several of my friends. I don’t remember growing up seeing Autism. When my son was born it was a time that we were just learning about vaccines and association of Autism. Now considered bad science, but something that I researched extensively. I studied much about the topic […]