Do you need a Support System?

Cultivating Your Support System Having relationships and making friends is part of life. Everyone does it. Having said that, some of us are better at doing it than others. If you’ve found yourself having a hard time making supportive friends, it’s time to take a deep look into yourself and figure out why. After all, […]

4 mins read

Passive Aggressive Behavior in Yourself

Are You Passive Aggressive? There are different communication styles and tendencies. Some people are quite assertive. They say what they want and they speak their mind. Others try to go with the flow. They are passive and are often people pleasers. They don’t want to rock the boat and they stay quiet. Then there are […]

3 mins read

Let’s talk about Energy Management

Energy Management vs. Time Management You’ve likely heard the old adage, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint.” If you’re trying to manage your time effectively without paying attention to your energy management, you may end up with sprints rather than finishing the marathon of life. Experts are now saying that productivity and success have […]

3 mins read

Give and Take of Life

The give and take of life is not fair.   Balance.   Sometimes everything is going for you, sometimes not at all. I don’t always have all the answers, but I do know that there are times that I can be the one person who can help someone.   Most often it is the person who can ill […]

2 mins read

The Human Experience – Dealing with Conflict

I have been fearless in my willingness to admit my failings and have found compassion in several instances in my life.   I must be steadfast in my trust that the Universe has this and that by being loving and compassionate all will be as it needs to be.

5 mins read

The Concept of Engage and Withdraw

I have been struggling with the state of this world and finding a need to withdraw.  In fact I have been doing just that.  This morning my mentor shared this story on Facebook by John Pavlovitz which made me go to Google and search him out.    His letter to White Evangelicals is so true.  […]

3 mins read

Free Will – Ethics and Mediumship

What is free will?   Free will is the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion.  Nobody should try and manipulate how someone should or should not interpret a message given to them from Spirit.   A person’s free will should never be messed with. Recently […]

3 mins read