Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities

Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities Our intuitive abilities can be difficult to cultivate.  Yet they do not have to be, instead of trying to do it all at once, try to connect in smaller bites.  The world today can be overwhelming! Each year, society seems to revolve more and more around technology, screens, […]

13 mins read

How Mediums Receive Information – Quick Review

I am often asked How Mediums Receive Information and I thought this might be a good time to discuss.  I took some time to write about the senses Mediums use to communicate.   Just thought I would share a complete list of these sense and how they may feel. Granted these are my impressions on the subject, […]

1 min read

Insight on being a Psychic Medium

Being a Psychic Medium has a lot of great things to experience.  Giving healing messages to those that are in need.  At the beginning of working with Spirit it is not so much fun.   So imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto the new TV show Ghosts on CBS.   It isn’t exactly perfect in how […]

1 min read

Clairsentience or “Clear Feeling”

Definition:  Clairsentience, loosely translated, means “clear-feeling”.   Clairsentience is an extremely heightened form of empathy. It is important to understand that no two people receive information the same way.   The best way I  can explain it is that as a  Clairsentient person, I often just clearly know something.  As I give messages or readings, it is […]

2 mins read

Cyber Bullying – A talk from Patient Zero

Cyber Bullying is a huge problem for many in this world.   The lack of compassion and understand is mind blowing.  Cyber bullying is easy to do in this on-line world and when the President of the United States does it every day.   We have become immune to it and almost afraid to say something. Wow […]

1 min read

When one does not listen to the advice from the other side….

Sometimes one must laugh at oneself.   Today is one of those times.   I realize that I am growing by leaps and bounds.   It does not mean that I am perfect and that I do not have moments that I falter. Luckily for me, they seem to be less and less.   But there is a reason […]

1 min read