Training — It is all in how you see things…

How you see things affects every decision in life.   I originally posted this in November of 2016 with a very little text.  With the cleaning up my blog I have been revisiting old articles.   I guess in many ways I post things too quickly.   Then again, perhaps the revisit gives me a chance to really […]

2 mins read

Children and Spirituality

Children and Spirituality is a topic of interest to me.   I am constantly thinking about it and the ways as adults can assist children grow spiritually.    Often it is children that help adults connect to their own Spirituality. It is something that I find beautiful when I come across young children and they are […]

1 min read

Weekly Affirmation – Protect Myself With Boundaries

I protect myself with boundaries.   Those that don’t like it are the ones that need the boundaries or they would over take my life.   My boundaries with those that respect them it doesn’t bother.   Boundaries are healthy and we should use them.  For those that have been abused for periods of time struggle making the […]

2 mins read

Covid-19 Cancellations as a result of Government Shutdown

Covid-19 has wrecked havoc in all of our lives, resulting in Covid-19 Cancellations.   For now this means cancellations of gatherings.   This breaks my heart, but it is for the good of all.   With that, I am offering phone consultations and working on some sort of Development Circle get-together online.  We are living a moment in […]

1 min read

Story – The Snake & The Holy Man

This story is adapted from Andre Heuer. Story – Snake and the Holy Man Once there was a snake with a rather bad attitude. The small village near where the snake lived was very fearful of this snake. You see, this snake slithered through the grass, silently, seeking its victims, and without warning would strike and […]

4 mins read