Tag: Boundaries
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs Psychology students are taught Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The Hierarchy of Needs is one of the most widely accepted theories of human development. Unlike other theories, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is based on positive experiences and potential growth. Today, researchers have updated Maslow’s theory but continue to use his model […]
How to Prioritize Your Goals
How to Prioritize Your Goals In order to prioritize your goals you’ll need to have a good understanding of what you need to be happy in your life. There are typically four areas in which most people make goals: Family – Spending more time with your kids or partner Financial – Saving toward your six […]
Change is Hard!
Change Is Hard – How to Take the Leap You’ve likely heard the saying that “change is hard.” You may also have heard the saying that “change is inevitable.” In fact, there are hundreds of quotes about change because it is a constant and often terrifying aspect of human life. Even when you’re the one […]
Time Management Struggles Are Real
How to Be Ruthless with Time Time management struggles are real. If you’ve created a time management plan and still failed to reach your goals, it’s likely because you’re too flexible and easy on yourself and others when it comes to the schedule. The sorry fact is that time is not limitless. You can’t get […]
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children
Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children Emotionally intelligent children grow into secure adults. Children who are more connected emotionally to their parents tend to do better in school. They have fewer behavioral issues, and grow up to be well adjusted. Most parents mean well, and want their children to grow up emotionally healthy. Yet, sometimes they make […]
Do You Want More Fun?
Ways to Fit More Fun into Your Day Playtime isn’t just for children. Having fun is essential to your health and well-being at any age. When you’re enjoying yourself, you’re also reducing stress, increasing your energy levels, building stronger relationships, and promoting learning. Be proud of your decision to goof off on a regular basis. […]
The Problem With Emotional Vampires
Are Emotional Vampires Draining You Dry? Is your energy constantly being drained by emotional vampires? The people around us affect how we feel and view the world. There are plenty of reasons why some people may drain your energy more than others. You could be dealing with a narcissist, or someone who complains most of […]
Energy Management vs. Time Management
Energy Management is a much more effective way to get through life rather than putting time limits and making schedules for everything.
Insight on being a Psychic Medium
Being a Psychic Medium has a lot of great things to experience. Giving healing messages to those that are in need. At the beginning of working with Spirit it is not so much fun. So imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto the new TV show Ghosts on CBS. It isn’t exactly perfect in how […]
Is Criticism Always Bad?
Criticism Is Not Always Meant to Be Negative Do you struggle to handle criticism? Because you are not alone. My mother was so critical of all that I did, that I lost any confidence I had. Later in life my I surrounded myself with those that were highly critical of me. I thought that was […]