Tag: Boundaries
Weekly Affirmation – Boundaries with Others
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I lovingly set boundaries with others and
I am not afraid to say no to things that make me feel uncomfortable.
Living Lighter: Practical Insights for Reducing Stress
Reducing Stress in Your Daily Routine Reducing stress is something that we can all agree is a high priority. It’s been reported that nearly eight out of every ten American adults are stressed out every day. In other words, roughly seventy-eight percent of the population needs to adopt more stress-eliminating techniques to live a happier […]
Taking Control or Letting Go!
Finding Balance: The Art of Taking Control and Letting Go Am I the only person who struggles with taking control in situations? I often find myself in a constant struggle with taking control. Either I try too hard to control things or I let go and then feel frustrated and angry. This internal tug-of-war can […]
Creating Boundaries between Work and Home
Let Go of the Work Day and Make Your Evenings More Joyful Creating boundaries with work from your home life has become difficult. Prior to the pandemic we always felt the need to check in when we were home. Now many of us are working at home and the lines are blurred resulting in burnout. […]
Energy Vampires: How to Spot Them and Protect Yourself
Ever felt emotionally drained after spending time with certain people? You might be dealing with energy vampires. Here’s how to protect yourself. Energy stealers are everywhere! Have you ever felt emotionally drained after spending time with certain people? Energy stealers are everywhere – they could be your family members, your friends, or even your co-workers. […]
Weekly Affirmation – I do not have to explain
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I love myself to say no. I do not have to explain why.
Are you Overhearing Thoughts of Others?
Overhearing thoughts comes up in development circles. This post was originally written on October 16, 2018 and still is useful for those learning. I am going to tell you a story about overhearing thoughts of others. My friend Scott and I were business partners as my awareness of Spirit and acknowledgment that it was […]
Negotiation and Mediumship
So what does Negotiation and Mediumship have to do with each other? Negotiation skills are important life skills, but they have a role to play in your mediumship. For one having these skills makes it easier to communicate with Spirit. I talk about your contract with Spirit a lot with new students. Setting boundaries and […]
Navigating Social Media Positively: 5 Techniques to Mitigate Adverse Impact
It is the first of the year and like me you may want to start the year and mitigate adverse impact that social media has in your life. There’s no denying that there’s a lot of good that we can take from social media. The most important is that it allows us to connect with […]
Navigating Holiday Stress: Strategies for Healthy Family Dynamics
It’s holiday season again, and family dynamics can bring anxiety. Strategies for stress reduction are crucial. Remind yourself that “No” is a complete sentence. That is exactly what we are doing this year — saying no to the stress. In fact, we have over the years found the simpler the holiday the better it is […]