Shielding Yourself from Energy Vampires

Today I want to talk about shielding yourself from energy vampires.  Ever felt emotionally drained after spending time with certain people? You might be dealing with an energy vampire. These individuals, whether they’re family, friends, or coworkers, can leave you feeling depleted on every level—emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Understanding how to recognize and protect […]

6 mins read

Finding Balance: Mediumship as a Tool, Not a Crutch

Finding Balance: Mediumship as a Tool, Not a Crutch” Finding balance between the need between mediumship and therapy isn’t always clear to some people.  Mediumship can offer comfort and clarity, especially during difficult times. But it’s important to understand when it’s helpful and when it may become a crutch. If you’ve been considering another reading […]

5 mins read

Are You the Negative Influence in Your Friendships?

Is Negativity Ruining Your Friendships? Ever wonder if you might be the ‘negative influence’ in your group? While there’s plenty of advice on removing negative people from your life, it’s harder to confront if the negativity might be coming from you. If your friendships are suffering and you’re unsure why, it might be time to […]

2 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Dealing with Guilt

Dealing with guilt is something we all have to do at one time or another in our life.  Guilt is a natural emotion, but when it lingers, it can weigh us down and block our personal growth. By releasing guilt, we allow ourselves to move forward, forgive ourselves, and embrace healing.  This is where affirmations […]

2 mins read

Stop Criticizing Yourself and be Happy

Stop Criticizing Yourself in 6 Steps We’ve all heard it – that inner voice that speaks up whenever we’ve just messed up. Sometimes, your critical inner voice tells you what you should have done but didn’t. Other times, it reminds you of something you did that you could have avoided. Whenever you have a running […]

3 mins read

Healing the Self, Serving Others

Healing the Self, Serving Others: Balancing Personal Growth and Mediumship Serving others is something that Mediums strive to do.  As a medium, you have a unique gift to connect with the spirit world and offer guidance to others. However, balancing this gift with personal growth and self-care is crucial. Healing the self and serving others […]

3 mins read

Affirmation – Guilt

I have been dealing with a lot of guilt lately.  And it is all over me doing something that is good for me, while causing discomfort for others.  The people pleaser in me is not happy.  It is a decision that I have taken a long time to come to.   It started last year at […]

2 mins read

Spot the Energy Vampires: Protect Your Vitality

Top Signs Someone is Draining Your Energy We all know what energy vampires are, but do we really know how to spot them?  Everyone has moments when they feel drained after interacting with someone. Some people seem to consume your energy, leaving you feeling tired or down. Here are some signs that someone might be […]

3 mins read

Overcoming Information Overload in Mediumship

Information overload is something that need to have a talk about.  Whether you’re new to mediumship or have been practicing for years, you might sometimes feel overwhelmed. This isn’t because you’re distracted or unmotivated. Your dedication to growth and spiritual development might be the very reason you’re feeling exhausted. Over-committing to learning, practicing, and connecting […]

4 mins read