The Power of Motivation

Human Motivation. It isn’t always the reward that motivates people to accomplish tasks.   For 21st Century tasks this doesn’t work. This is interesting when I think about the Spiritual Community.   Too many organizations are making their financial decisions on antiquated assumptions. This is something to think about….  Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.

1 min read

Serving Others… Quickest way to find joy…

Yesterday was pretty amazing day…   A fellow Medium and I went on an adventure together and it filled me with such joy. We went down to the First Spiritualist Church in Erie.  We had planned on going to Lily Dale the day before, but a little voice in my head said, go to Erie.  So we […]

5 mins read

Watch for Sixes – You will Find Balance Then…

Find Balance in Sixes I was told awhile back “watch for sixes” and I was confused?   It was some advice I received some time back.  At the time, I struggled with balance in my life.  No wonder with all the changes coming my way. Awhile ago, a good friend of mine told me to watch for […]

1 min read