Tag: Affirmation
Weekly Affirmation – Pandemic Fatigue
Spring is here and we are once again faced with Pandemic Fatigue. This tiredness of social distancing, fear for our health and general time of uncertainty is weighing on many of us. This is an excellent time to work with affirmations to help you move through this difficult time in world history. Affirmations provide me […]
Weekly Affirmation – Selfish or Self-Care?
When others make you feel selfish for setting boundaries with them, it reflects on them. That is right, it reflects on them not you. Your needs need to be met by others and they need to be respected. The hardest thing you have to do is not feel guilty about that. How about […]
Weekly Affirmation – My Viewpoint is Important
I know my viewpoint is well-received and respected. Others enjoy listening to me talk and place a high value on the things I say. I enjoy speaking up and take every opportunity to share my thoughts. When I feel like my opinion is unimportant, I remind myself of all the times I have helped someone […]
Weekly Affirmation – For those struggling with isolation
Are you finding yourself struggling with isolation? You are not alone. As humans we crave interaction with other humans. That is why we are here. So dealing with the pandemic you suddenly are isolating yourself from others. It can be difficult. Trust me I understand fully about the struggle. This is where affirmations have assisted […]
Weekly Affirmation – Personal Safety
Personal safety is always a concern for me. I think it comes from growing up in a violent household. Where I was always afraid for my own safety. Why it has been so important to make my home a sanctuary. When you struggle with personal safety it is helpful to use affirmations to change your […]
Weekly Affirmation – Taking Risks
Taking risks in life is scary. It means something is about to change and not all changes are good ones. Too often we focus on the pain of those negative situations rather than the joy of a new beginning. To make it less scary we have to change our mindset. How about trying an affirmation […]
Weekly Affirmation – Community Connection
How often do we feel the lack of community connection in our lives? Often it is something out of our control, but it is also our mindset that helps with this. How about trying an affirmation to change your mindset? This week’s affirmation is as follows: I feel a deep connection with my community. […]
Weekly Affirmation – Good In My Life
There is much good in my life. When I am feeling anxiety, it is time to focus on all that is good and right. Accept that there will be uncomfortable moments. Move through them by focusing on the positive. Often this is a struggle for so many. Take time to utilize affirmations to help guide […]
Weekly Affirmation – Power of Positive Thinking
This week’s affirmation: I choose to think positively to create a wonderful and successful life for myself.
September 2020 Affirmations for Covid-19 Social Distancing
Here are your affirmations for success for this month. I truly believe that they are a powerful tool in changing your life.