This affirmation ispulling the emergency break

This is so inspiring…  Stop pulling the emergency break is great advice. I took away some pretty good ideas for myself.   It is amazing that I would run across this video right now.  Because I feel stuck.   I know there is something wonderful about to happen for me, yet I am paralyzed in a lack of movement.

I feel the change, other people around me see it, sense it and encourage me to have faith all will be alright.   The Capricorn in me is anything but patient and wants to know exactly what day and time this amazing series of events are going to happen that will make all my wildest dreams come true.

I then watch this video.  I need to stop the waiting and get out there and just do it.   But what?    I wrote the book, I now see where I am headed, and I just don’t know how to get from here to there.   Perhaps you too feel that way.   This talk may help you too.   Do I have all the answers?  No, probably won’t for some time, but I am not going to sit here and wait any longer. It is time to move on and build towards achieving those dreams.

So stop living in autopilot and start going after what it is that you desire…   You deserve it!

Rev. Colleen Irwin
Reverend Colleen Irwin is a Spiritual being having a human experience as a Blogger, Wife, Mother, Mentor, Healer and Public Speaker living in Rochester New York. Colleen, a Natural Born Medium, teaches, lectures and serves Spirit when called upon. She remembers speaking with Spirit as a child and learning how to share this knowledge with others has been an adventure that she captured in her book “Discovering Your Stream”. Colleen has been mentored by Reverend Jack Rudy, and ordained as a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek by the Reverend Dan Chesboro through the Sanctuary of the Beloved. When she is not doing her Spiritual work she is a volunteer docent sharing Susan B. Anthony's history to visitors of the Susan B. Anthony House in Rochester. Her trust in Spirit gave her a new title – PREVIVOR. She now uses her platform to educate others about the BRCA genetic mutation and how one can take control of their health and well-being.
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