Intuition And Tarot Reading Intuition with Tarot is so very important.  You don’t have to be psychic to use Tarot cards. You do need, however, to be in tune with…
Oracle vs Tarot? I am often asked the difference between Oracle and Tarot decks. That made stop for a moment. I know that my preference is Tarot, but in looking…
Exploring Peter Gabriel’s Music Through the Lens of Tarot Peter Gabriel has been a favorite artist of mine.  Peter Gabriel has a career that is a rich tapestry of musical exploration,…
As a medium, the more you know, the more Spirit can use to communicate with you.   Tarot cards along with pendulums, runes, astrology and numerology all are tools that Mediums…
Exploring Gretchen Peters’ Music Through the Lens of Tarot Gretchen Peters’ songwriting is renowned for its depth, emotional honesty, and narrative brilliance. Her music captures the human experience in all…

Simple Measures to Improve Your Mood

Use Gratitude Meditations & Affirmations To Boost Your Spirit Anytime There are simple measures where you can boost your spirit.  You’ve probably heard of both meditations and affirmations, though you may be uncertain of just what they are and how they work. They may even seem a bit too new age for you, but don’t […]

3 mins read

Upcoming Mercury in Retrograde April 21 – May 14, 2023

Mercury in Retrograde.   Three words that create chaos in our everyday lives.  On January 18th of this year, we completed the first of 4 times that Mercury will go into retrograde this year.  It affected our family heavily with lots of communication issues.  Our son’s hard drive failed, I struggled with a new project at […]

3 mins read

What Makes a Person a Badass?

Recently in my life someone was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.   The first time I hear from anyone in that circle in years was when they wanted something – prayers and support.  Suddenly there was a call that I needed to support this woman.   In speaking with another member of this person’s tribe, they called this […]

3 mins read

Weekly Affirmation – Grateful for Friendship

I am grateful for friendship.   Friends make life more worth living.   Sometimes our families are not that loving and it is the love we find in friendship that helps us love ourselves finally.   Friends are the family that we make when our own family falls away or disappoints us.   This week’s affirmation […]

1 min read

Are You Going Crazy?

Feeling like you are going crazy or that you are losing your mind?   If you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, it probably means you are sane. Initially psychic opening feels like this.  People who are going through it often start their conversations with lines like you are going to think I am crazy […]

5 mins read