My three words for 2016
My #3words for 2016: Genuine Steadfast Patience Pick 3 words and focus on them in your daily life #spirituality #growth #faith Talk with Colleen (@talkwithcolleen) December 26, 2015
Guiding You to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions
My #3words for 2016: Genuine Steadfast Patience Pick 3 words and focus on them in your daily life #spirituality #growth #faith Talk with Colleen (@talkwithcolleen) December 26, 2015
On December 25, 2015 I gave a talk at the combined Christmas Eve Services at Lily Dale. Here is the entire talk I gave. At this time of year, we put our focus of the Spirit of the Season and Peace on Earth. Many feel Spirit is divine and completely separate from oneself. You may […]
Tarot Spiritual Journey I sat quietly just now. There is a website that I like that breaks things down in multiple categories. What was interesting I asked my guides to make me see cards that they wanted me to pay attention to. My guides cards for today and the advice is from a website that […]
I struggled thinking of this all day. I knew there was something that I needed to say… Healing Prayer for Paris I had this long winded thought that I started with: In the words of Martin Luther King — “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only […]
Earlier this year I dreamed of this moment. Not once, but many times. I think I did a good job, the other Mediums that were there were patting me on the back. Now it is time to move forward. Keep on going…. I know what it is like to serve Spirit in a way that […]
Frogs I have long associated with Frogs in my life. My first love was Kermit the Frog. Today I have been at Weber Wonderland, alone and quietly enjoying the house. I have needed the down time to think. I went down to the pool and then saw this little critter. It was better to see […]
This is my reminder three words that are important to me this year. I made a commitment to trying this exercise this year. Since finding anything that I do on Twitter difficult at best, I thought I might place it here. If only to remind me that I have this…. My #3words 2015: Fearless Persistence […]
Leadership is not a position. The best managers are not necessarily those that you would think. Steve Jobs was brilliant at putting people in situations that they would flourish.
Consciousness is a common talking point in Spiritual Community. Some of these conversations are heated because everyone is an expert. Are they really experts or is it that they have a strong opinion. Just when I think I have a handle on it, I learn something new. The truth is we are always learning and […]