Weekly Affirmation – For those at the end of their rope!
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I muster up more hope and courage from deep inside me.
Guiding You to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I muster up more hope and courage from deep inside me.
Tonight’s healing service was pretty amazing. There was some magical energy in this place… Margaret had a new song she wanted to try out, and it was beautiful. Everyone seem uplifted and empowered afterwards. I think the interaction was a great thing for the people that were there. My talk, I wanted to talk about my […]
On Facebook there are these silly tests and such… Choose a Mandala came up… I was drawn to only one so I figured that I needed to look it up… This is the time for transformation for me. Just as a tadpole grows to a frog, and a caterpillar to a butterfly these things take […]
Author’s note: June 16, 2018 – I married my Life Partner – this really does work A good friend once said unless you define it the Universe cannot give it to you. I am moving this from my private blog to the public one because it belongs out here for someone to find and give […]
Temporary guide for me. This is part of the process. I am realizing that I need to do a better job connecting with my guides. They are important to me. Now that I am trying I know they are there, but I seem to be having difficulty connecting with them. Jack and Carol have […]
I was lucky today. I went to Ellen Bourn’s church, it was an interesting experience. It was packed, there were a good 50 people that were in attendance. It was nice to only have to travel 15 minutes instead of an hour and 15 minutes to go to church. This church meets once a […]
Vision Board Journey Jenny made me do this vision board. I didn’t want to but I sat there and I cut out pictures out of magazines. Lots and lots of them and then in 20 minutes I did this glued it down and committed to it. Funny thing was I am now done with my […]
Frogs Reappear After a long absence Frogs have started to appear again. They make me smile… Even if they are frozen in suspension. Funny how a year ago I hated them, now I am happy when I see them. Time to take the leap of faith. Frogs symbolize transformation. That is what I am doing […]
My #3words for 2016: Genuine Steadfast Patience Pick 3 words and focus on them in your daily life #spirituality #growth #faith Talk with Colleen (@talkwithcolleen) December 26, 2015