Everyone is excited about a new normal these days. This Covid-19 experience has changed a lot of things for everyone. Globally there is nobody that does not have some impact. With all the negativity surrounding these times, there has to be a silver lining with the pandemic. People have time to reflect and are becoming very clear what they value and what can be easily eliminated. It can be things, how you use your time, your job and even the people that you allow in your life.
There is a New Normal
As we watch the world slowly open up after this time of isolation, we’re all faced with serious decisions including what our new version of normal is. There will be governmental regulations, but each of us has the power to define what our life will look like going forward. For instance, although everything is opening up, we are still going to be very conscious of who we allow in our inner circle, where we go and what we do to protect our family. That is far more conservative that what is suggested by the government.
Finding a way to make the shut down meaningful is going to be a challenge. There are so many decisions each of us need to make. Do you want things to go back to exactly the way they were? I know that answer for me is no and George too is wanting change.
I have made some significant changes to my life. Being at home without our busy schedule and obligations changed things. It focused us on what we really care about. The connections to friends and family is changing, for the better. More authentic connections. This time during the shut down was different than my surgery recoveries.
Basically, we trimmed life down to the essentials. A surprise to both of us, we like it that way. We get to decide what is added back in and why. There has been some tough decisions, and we are okay with that. Some changes are out of our control, but not our reactions to them.
Your Normal Has To Change
How about you? Are you ready to take control of YOUR new normal? As you determine your new normal, it might help to ask yourself a few questions:
- Who are the people you have reached out to the most during this time and who has checked in on you?
- What activities have you been longing to resume?
- Are there things you’re no longer spending time on that you don’t miss?
- What are you not willing to tolerate any longer?
- Are there new habits you have had time to establish?
- How have you grown Spiritually?
- What direction has your intuition been leading you?
- In all of this, what have you decided is most important?
To make it worthwhile, we must take advantage of this gift of time to reflect and change. Change all the things we do not like about our lives and create the lives we desire. Release all that negativity and be full of joy. It takes courage and you have it within you to do it!