Much gratitude to be able to serve Spirit

Impromptu opportunity to serve Spirit happened to me today.    I was able to serve Spirit by giving some readings at the Statler today at the Statler City Psychic Fair.   I wasn’t scheduled but there I was to support a few people that were there. They were short readers for the event.   As a result I was able to do some […]

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Wednesday Healing Service – Chairperson for the Week

Tonight’s healing service was pretty amazing.  There was some magical energy in this place… Margaret had a new song she wanted to try out, and it was beautiful.   Everyone seem uplifted and empowered afterwards.   I think the interaction was a great thing for the people that were there. My talk, I wanted to talk about my […]

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A temporary guide is working with me…

Temporary guide for me.   This is part of the process.   I am realizing that I need to do a better job connecting with my guides.   They are important to me.   Now that I am trying I know they are there, but I seem to be having difficulty connecting with them. Jack and Carol have […]

2 mins read

How my Herkimer Diamond found me….

I was lucky today.   I went to Ellen Bourn’s church, it was an interesting experience.   It was packed, there were a good 50 people that were in attendance.   It was nice to only have to travel 15 minutes instead of an hour and 15 minutes to go to church.   This church meets once a […]

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