Why Hire a Retired REALTOR?
Why should you hire a retired REALTOR for your job vacancy? I retired from Real Estate in 2017. It was a rewarding career, but it just was increasingly stressful and the work/life balance was becoming harder to achieve. I have followed my Spiritual path since that retirement. Occasionally I see an job posting that appeals to me and I know I could do it. Only problem the person looking at my resume only saw that I was good for commission sales.
If you are a hiring manager, take a leap of faith and see how the skills transfer. You will be pleasantly surprised that REALTOR skills are transferrable to all sections of business. So, here are my reasons why you should consider a Retired Realtor for your next Management position:
Problem Solving
REALTORS are always problem solving, be it for a sale, a closing problem or a marketing of a particular home. Many time with challenging market conditions they have to find creative ways to drive home buyers to homes. Other times it is finding inventory in a hot market. They are always finding inventory that has not been discovered for specific home buyers. For sellers they are taking what they have and helping them create a situation that is win/win and places their homes for sale in the best light. Every day they are faced with a different challenge and they rise to meet and exceed expectations of their clients to achieve their goals. If you can bring solutions, you can turn negatives into positives!
They can see beyond potential problems in a home with connections to the best contractors in the business. They know in the winter to keep a shovel in the car and in the summer a cooler full of iced water. This is a high demand, high stress career, and REALTORS thrive in such settings. If you need to get something done, ask a REALTOR. Because of the market forces of supply and demand, an effective agent feels the need to be proactive. They are well prepared for every meeting they attend, be it a listing appointment, showing houses or their weekly office meeting. They are involved in the community and are often the go to person when something needs getting done.
Great Researchers
REALTORS are great at researching data. They deal with data all the time, and are not afraid to ask difficult questions. Always finding answers others are wondering about. They know a lot about calculating and presenting data to others. Communication is always in a clear and precise way. Retired REALTORS find the best prices on anything they are looking to purchase. This skill remains with them the rest of their lives.
Marketing properties for sale is their number one job. They have learned skills like writing excellent written descriptions, SEO, photography, and photo editing. They know how to create catchy brochures and marketing pieces. Most times they have created their own web presence and maintain that along with their Real Estate duties. They create informative marketing newsletters to go out to their sphere. They are always looking for new and creative ways to stay top of mind on past, present and potential clients. Retired REALTORS will understand the importance of staging a home, spiritual cleansing and other factors that can play into a home sale.
Time Management
REALTORS always deal with multiple buyers and sellers every day. They do not have time to waste and they know how to best use their time. They are excellent at time blocking their days and keeping buyers and sellers on track when it comes to deadlines. REALTORS know how to multi-task and often are the go-to person when a teacher or committee needs to get something done. At a quiet open house, they are making calls and catching up with past clients. They do not have any listings they are knocking on doors and calling past clients to find them.
Every day, REALTORS are dealing with attorneys, mortgage professionals, media and people from all walks of life. They know the importance of a professional demeanor and they know how to stay objective in stressful situations. Networking with other professionals is an important part of their job. They often are involved with a wide variety of networking opportunities.
Human Connection
REALTORS are natural people persons. They know how to connect with people on their level. Even if they do not like the person they are dealing with. They know how to be neutral and pleasant to everyone. Loyal followers will stay with them throughout their career. They have extensive databases and they know how to work them to their advantage. When they have to assert themselves, they have learned to not step on toes.
Retired REALTORS are Strong Negotiators
REALTORS deal with contracts that are lengthy, and they understand that errors cost their clients’ money. Agents are trained to negotiate well, if only from experience. They know what normally works and what does not. Most have tried-and-true techniques all their own.
Detail Oriented
REALTORS are detail oriented; they see things in homes that others may miss from a recalled electrical box to potential problems with appraisals like such as furnace issues, leaks, roofing problems, and mold and insect issues. REALTORS are always dealing with paperwork and have found ways to streamline the process to save time. They hate doing things twice or getting panicked calls looking for paperwork. They know how to create systems to ensure a painless transaction.
They legally obligated to put their clients’ best interests first. This duty imparts an exceedingly high standard for confidentiality. Not all professions understand this, but REALTORS do. It is written into their code of ethics. Hiring a retired REALTOR give you the confidence that they understand the need for confidentiality.
Take a Chance – Hire that Retired REALTOR
There are a million more but trust me, you really can’t go wrong with someone who has retired from real estate on their resume. Retired REALTORS have an entrepreneurial spirit, they are self-confident and can maintain a positive attitude in the most stressful situations. They know how to be assertive without hurting feelings, they engage with others. REALTORS know to invest in themselves professionally, their appearance and are a great addition to a team effort. Take it from this Retired REALTOR.