What is a Piggy Back Message

There are times that Spirit becomes efficient — The Piggy Back Message happens. My mentor and friend, Jack Rudy posted a great article about what to expect in a Gallery reading. I want to expand on that talk and share the Piggy Back Message.
Gallery readings are for larger groups and they are a lot of fun for both the Medium and the audience. There are times that there is a message given to one person that another can take. This type of message is called a Piggy Back Message.
Piggy Back Message?
I have had it happen enough to know that messages I give in a Gallery may be multi-purpose. Spirit is efficient that way. There can be a large number of people that can be in a gallery reading and not everyone can be given a message directly.
So if you are sitting in a Gallery and you can take the message and identify with the person getting a message. Take it. Know that your loved ones are around and they will find any way possible to communicate with you. If you get a feeling “oh Aunt Betsy always said that” there is a reason. Even if it is to remind you about Aunt Betsy and that she loves you.
Example Piggy Back Message
An example of a Piggy Back Message I gave in a gallery was that I had a young man that was between 18-21 who died with a drug overdose that was ruled a suicide and something to do with Tonawanda. The woman I went directly to is looking at me not connecting to a thing I was saying. I look at her and said, I will come back to you and knew this was an important message. I look at the audience and ask “can anyone take this young man?” Three hands go up.
Same Message for Three People
Three different young men, one was 18, one 20 and the other 21 all having a connection to the Tonawandas. All the same terrible situation. Connecting again with Spirit; the Spirit died in the last 3 months. All three women shake their head yes — the same situation. Reaching back to Spirit, I ask for more information someone close to his mother is in the audience. This spirit is worried about his mother who is not at the service. A sister, a niece and a friend of the mother of the son in question.
Not a dry eye is in the room at this point, Jack then begins to explain a Piggy Back Message to everyone in the room. This was my first experience with the blended spirits. I went directly to one woman who couldn’t take anything I had to say. It was the woman directly behind her who was one of the three woman that was positive I was speaking to. Together we gave all three women information that they needed.
Piggy Back Messages are extremely efficient of Spirit
If a message needs to come out, it will. Spirit will find the time and the place, as a Medium we are just the bridge between the two worlds. It is our job to trust what we are getting and give it in the most loving and compassionate way possible.
Medium’s experience these messages as well. Personally I have been in a Gallery where someone else was given a message and I felt my grandmother’s presence and there were so many similarities that I knew the message was for me. Speaking with the woman after the service I was able to help her confusion with the pieces she could not understand. It was blended Spirits; both of our grandmothers. We both needed the message.
The next time you are in a Gallery and something feels like it is meant for you — pay attention! It might just be Spirit finding a way to touch in with you.
2 thoughts on “What is a Piggy Back Message”
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Hi Colleen, is there a way to make a kind of secure connection with someone in the spirit world, when you don’t want another spirit piggybacking? I feel like I have been connecting to a beloved teacher I had in college who passed away in 2014, but then I think another spirit is piggybacking in a mischievous way.
When Spirit connects with us it is for our highest good. So it is my belief that Spirit is not mischievous. If you are having difficulty with communicating with Spirit just set the intention that you want to only speak with one Spirit at a time.
When I talk about Piggybacking messages it is multiple recipients with different Spirits with a similar message in a gallery setting.