Walking the walk isn’t easy; Do it anyways!
Walking the walk you talk is not too common. Sometimes I think that REALTORS are some of the most Spiritual people I know. Bear with me, as I give you an example from my professional experience. I promise, it will make sense about Spirituality.
A long time ago back in the early days of my blogging for my Real Estate business there were a large number of REALTORS that grouped together and we taught each other everything we knew about this brave new world — Internet Marketing our Real Estate Businesses. Where things like Periscope didn’t even exist, Twitter and Facebook were still in their infancy.
We created opportunities through Bar Camps and an event called Get Wired’n that I was able to teach others what I learned. Giving me an opportunity to learn from others doing what I did not understand. Those early friends via the Internet I count as some of my closest friends today.
And the Spiritual Connection?
So why mention it? Well it has occurred to me that not everyone believes in this in the Spiritual community. I can’t tell you the number of times I hear a cash register when someone suggests that I take a class in response to an honest question. The old “I can help you, but you are going to have to take my class”. I understand everyone needs to make a living, but some have taken it to a new art form.
Many guard their gift and feel entitled that they are “better” than others. They don’t want others to “surpass” them. They hold others down and put unnecessary roadblocks in the way of those that are honestly attempting to grow and serve in their new Spiritual Role. I have run into this personality time and again while serving in the Spiritual community. There is nothing very Spiritual about this behavior. In fact, it is outright destructive.
Share for the sake of sharing?
Very rare indeed. In fact it leaves many people feeling that their contributions to this shared spiritual experience are unwanted. Ironically, this is the same group people who are complaining that nobody wants to help — well it is very hard when they do not give others an opportunity to serve Spirit.
I find that sharing this gift is one of the best things I experience. Sometimes people have come to me not understanding a concept. I willing share what I know. Their reaction repeatedly is “wow, thank you!”
I want others to flourish in there paths. It is awesome to see others do well and I am blessed to have a few people willing to pay it forward and assist me along the way. For those that have helped me along the way — thank you. I honor you by helping those behind me. Those that have made it next to impossible — thank you. I now figured it out and I know how I will not be to anyone that comes to me for assistance.
If Spirituality has taught me one thing it is that we are all one. What I achieve; we all achieve. What you achieve; we all achieve. This is a shared experience. Being greedy and not willing to share; well that just isn’t very Spiritual. If the REALTOR community (we are portrayed as greedy and uncaring in most people’s eyes) can get this why can’t the Spiritual Community Leaders.
There I said it; if you are a Spiritual Person professing to be enlightened and are in a leadership role please start walking the walk.