Vision Board for 2016
Vision Board Journey
Jenny made me do this vision board.
I didn’t want to but I sat there and I cut out pictures out of magazines. Lots and lots of them and then in 20 minutes I did this glued it down and committed to it.
Funny thing was I am now done with my vision board, Jenny still hasn’t done hers. Some things that I thought interesting from doing this exercise:
- More warm and fuzzy moments
- Lot of focus on The Power and Love not together, but both important
- Lily Dale and Hoda’s book about where we belong
- Houses all have pillars
- interior shots are mostly seating areas or places I would want to read
- Travel is pointing me western places and lots of tropical places
- Makeover is all about clean lines, linear, structured and all about the shoes – this could also be symbolic and not necessarily how I dress — lots of greys, navy, whites, burgundy and gold and what is with all the slacks?
So if you haven’t thought about creating a vision board, do it! First off it is a great way to see into your soul. The things you are drawn to do not make sense immediately, but looking back, you will find reason to be glad you did it.