How to Unhook Information in a Reading
When you’re starting out as a medium, one of the most important lessons to learn is how to unhook information. This means sharing each piece of evidence as it comes, without assuming how the details fit together. As a beginner, you may feel pressure to provide answers quickly or to weave the information into a tidy story. However, the most powerful connections come from presenting each detail separately and allowing the recipient to make sense of them.
Why Do We Hook Information?
Mediums often receive images, sensations, or phrases that may not immediately seem connected. The instinct to hook the pieces together comes from our human desire to make sense of things. For example, if you sense a mother in spirit, a July birthday, and a love of corvettes, it’s easy to assume the mother must have loved corvettes and had a July birthday. But by making these assumptions, the medium risks presenting inaccurate information.
What’s more likely is that these details are separate—maybe the mother had a July birthday, but the recipient loves corvettes, and the mother herself never liked them. The message makes more sense when the medium unhooks these details and presents them individually.
The Power of Unhooking Information
Unhooking information is about trusting the process. As a medium, your role is to deliver messages from Spirit without trying to interpret or make sense of them yourself. The more you let go of the need to understand the details, the stronger your connection with Spirit becomes. The beauty of mediumship is that what may seem odd or random to you often holds profound meaning for the recipient.
For instance, I once had a message for a woman, and I was shown two kangaroos jumping on a trampoline along with a bunch of things that made a funny story. In the moment I chose to unhook this image from the rest of it. It didn’t make any sense to me, and I wasn’t sure how to deliver the message. But I trusted what Spirit showed me, and when I shared it with the recipient, she immediately understood. Her gymnastics teacher used to call her and her best friend “her two kangaroos” because she could never get them off the trampoline. What seemed strange to me was the exact evidence that validated who I had for her.
Practical Steps for Unhooking Information
Practice Patience
As a new medium, it’s natural to feel rushed, especially when you want to offer a meaningful message. However, mediumship is not a race. Take your time as the information comes through. Spirit may give you details in fragments, and it’s important to let each piece settle before delivering it. The information comes so quickly to us, we often feel we have to match the pace at which is comes.
For example, in a public demonstration, if you sense a July birthday, offer the detail without asking for validation in the moment. Trust that Spirit is showing you the information for a reason. The recipient may not acknowledge it right away, but it’s essential to trust the flow of what you’re receiving.
Slow Down
Slowing down is one of the best practices for new mediums. When you’re receiving a lot of information, it’s easy to blurt it all out at once. But slowing down helps you deliver messages more clearly and allows the recipient to process what they hear.
In platform work, this means delivering each piece of information one at a time. You might say, “I’m sensing a mother in spirit.” Then, after delivering that connection, you can move on: “I’m being shown a July birthday,” and so forth. Slowing down ensures clarity and allows you to remain present with Spirit.
Practice the Pause
Pausing is an essential skill for mediums. After delivering a piece of information, give the recipient time to process what you’ve said. This could be a few seconds or even a minute. Often, sitters need a moment to reflect on the information or message before they recognize its significance. By practicing the pause, you give them space to connect the dots without rushing the reading.
For instance, after sharing a detail such as, “I’m sensing a strong connection to July,” give the recipient a moment to process it. Unhook that information and see where it settles. Sometimes, the sitter needs a little time to recall a memory or make sense of the connection, especially when emotions are involved. Details like dates have lots of meanings — birth/death date of the Spirit or the sitter and often someone connected to the sitter. It can indicate anniversaries, graduations, weddings, or holidays.
Be Willing to Be Selective
It’s tempting to deliver every piece of information you receive, but sometimes being selective is key. If something doesn’t make sense or isn’t clear, it’s okay to pause and ask Spirit for more clarification internally. The goal is to focus on the most meaningful evidence that will resonate deeply with the recipient.
Trusting the Message, Even When It Doesn’t Make Sense
One of the most important lessons for any medium is understanding that the message isn’t yours. It belongs to the recipient, so it doesn’t need to make sense to you. Often, the more bizarre or unusual a message feels to you, the more likely it is to resonate deeply with the recipient.
There are also times when you may receive information that the recipient doesn’t immediately recognize. In these moments, it’s important to trust what you’re receiving from Spirit. You may be planting a seed for the recipient, and they might not be ready to hear the message or make sense of it right away. Spirit works in ways that may not be clear to us as mediums, but the truth of the message often unfolds over time.
For example, I’ve shared messages that seemed confusing at first, only for the recipient to later realize their significance. This reminds me that I must trust Spirit’s timing and delivery, even when the message doesn’t seem to land perfectly in the moment. As mediums, we strive for perfection, but we are also human. Our job is to deliver the message as clearly and faithfully as possible, knowing that Spirit will guide the recipient to understand it when they are ready.
Remember to Unhook Information
As you develop your mediumship, remember that your job is to be a clear channel for Spirit. Avoid the temptation to connect the dots yourself or make assumptions about the information you receive. Remember to unhook information and by practicing patience, slowing down, practicing the pause, and being selective, you’ll deliver clearer, more meaningful messages that resonate with your recipients.
Most importantly, trust Spirit. Sometimes, you’re planting a seed that may bloom later for the recipient. The more you trust the process and the less you try to interpret it, the stronger your connection will become. In time, you’ll discover that the most impactful readings are those where you simply allow the message to unfold, unhooked and unfiltered.