Really there are no mistakes when it comes to love…

Really there are no mistakes when it comes to loving people.   I am a little dumbfounded right now.   I recently had a conversation with a friend and they just had a nasty breakup with their significant other.   They said “I wasted so much time loving this person” and this song (which they introduced me to […]

2 mins read

Letting go of fear and finding love….

Finding love – it is what everyone wants yet it eludes so many.  Today I came across this article – If he wanted to be with you, he would be with you.  I understand this only  too well.  Learning to move on when I hear that “You are a great person but… ”  I don’t […]

4 mins read

Special Healing Prayer after attack in Paris

I struggled thinking of this all day.   I knew there was something that I needed to say… Healing Prayer for Paris I had this long winded thought that I started with: In the words of Martin Luther King — “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only […]

1 min read